It's a Writing Convention

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Sebastian and Scott decided they wanted to get something to eat before we did anything else so we did just that. Scott and I could fly under the radar easily. He used my baseball hat and I had Chris' hoodie that Seb actually questioned. "By the way, where's your Winter Soldier hoodie lady?"

"I figured that hoodie and my Captain America one would draw attention to the situation."

"I'm just joking...okay, the cafe is up here." Sebby knew where to go around town that wouldn't draw too much attention. We ate lunch and caught up. Sebastian was the kind of person that just seemed too good, too nice even. But it was real, he was a genuine person and I was glad we had become friends.

Scott's phone rang and I could tell right away that it was Chris before he even handed it to me. "Here, you know he is calling for you."

"You don't know that."

"Just answer the phone Y/N."

After I answered the phone with a smile, Chris told me he was done for the day and would be back to the suite in about fifteen minutes. He wanted to talk to Scott though. "See, I told you. He wants to talk to you."

Scott took the phone and listened for a few minutes before he started laughing. After getting himself composed, he addressed Seb. "Do you mind helping me deliver this girl to my brother?"

Sebastian looked at me as he answered, "not at all".

Giving him a look as well, we both looked at Scott as he ended the call before I asked what I assumed we were both thinking. "What's so funny about that?"


"Yeah right. I know that laugh. That was the laugh of I can't believe you said that, but I really can believe you said that."

"Chris thought he was being discreet by telling me I could continue to shop or look around, hanging out with Seb, but wanted you back first. In other words, please bring me my girlfriend and then scram for a while."

Now he had Sebastian giggling while his cheeks turned a shade of red but they weren't as red as mine had become. It didn't matter though because I was totally on board with that plan.

Scott and Seb walked up to the suite with me to say hi to Chris. As soon as we entered, Chris and I met each other halfway and as he knelt down bending his knees with arms open, I grabbed on around his neck. He stood up, reaching under my butt to hold me up while I wrapped my legs around his waist as we kissed. Breaking our locked lips, because we weren't alone, Chris spoke first. "Hi."

"Hi! Thank you for my flowers and gifts. I love them! Scott already put my case on!"

"Thank you Scotty!" Chris put me back down as he went to shake hands and hug the men who were behind us. That's when I figured out why Scott had been laughing because he spoke up.

"Well, ummmm, Seb? Wanna go with me to look for some new shoes before dinner?"

Sebastian looked at Scott blankly. "You need new shoes now?"

"Not really, but Chris is paying because he just wants to be alone with his woman since they haven't seen each other for more than a week."

As Scott turned on his heel Chris yelled. "SCOTTY? Really dude?"

Sebastian burst out into laughter as he turned to follow Scott out the door. "We will meet you at the restaurant at 6. I'll text the address to one of you."

Both Scott and Sebastian left quickly. Chris followed them to the door and locked it behind them since Scott had the other key I guess. While he did that I made my way to the bedroom and smelled the flowers again. Quietly, Chris had come in and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind.

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