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When we got back from Disney we stayed in Virginia to start buying things for the house and get things moved in so we could start staying there some. Scott flew home to Boston with the rest of their family but was bringing Dodger down about a week later. We decided we wanted to keep the jeep here so I was letting him drive my Jeep back down since he was going to help out with moving stuff and getting things settled. He had even ordered his own sheets and a comforter set that would go in the room he would stay in. There were some boxes that we had packed up and already put in the jeep for Scott to bring as well. It was some things we had started picking up here and there plus Chris' clothes that would stay so we didn't always have to pack to go to the other house.  Of course Dodger would need one of his stuffed lions but I had ordered another two, just in case. They weren't the same as the ones he loved but were very similar so I hoped he would like them. I ordered him a few other things too because I wanted him to feel at home.

As things started coming in my family would stick them in the house for us. We had ordered some furniture and tried to schedule it to arrive when we knew we would be there.

During Thanksgiving festivities with my family, I had given my parents one of the extra keys to our new home right after telling everyone that we were living together.  While we were in Disney, my parents brought over an antique bed frame from my grandparents that they wanted us to have. They also picked up the mattress we ordered for it. We would get our bed within the week with the other things being delivered but we wanted to stay in our own house on our first night back so we planned on sleeping on that. My parents also brought over a twin bed from their house that was another family heirloom that Y/K/N was going to use in his room. Electricity and all utilities had already been turned on and the new refrigerator and washer and dryer arrived while we were gone.

The front porch light was on when we drove up. Y/K/N had left his car at the airport when we left for Florida so nobody had to pick us up. He was planning on staying with us for a bit. Since my grandfather was supposed to still be taking things slow, Y/K/N had been living with my grandparents so he could help out easier. While we were going to be here, he planned on staying in his new room and then going back to my grandparents house as needed.  He still had to work during the day but we all wanted to spend as much time together as we could.  This was as much for me as it was for him and Chris to hang out.

It was cold outside, especially compared to the Florida weather we had just come from. The new fence was up so we had to also unlock the gate on the driveway when we got closer to the house. It was connected to the alarm system so there was a number pad. Once we got up to the house, I couldn't stop stretching around to look. It was beautiful from what I could see. It was dark, but we had some sidewalk lights and some light posts installed, plus the headlights on the car.

We let Y/K/N use his key since he had driven there and Chris and I had our keys packed up in my backpack. Walking in was very surreal. It looked different.  It looked like it was ours. We sat our bags down by the door and I couldn't contain my smile. I felt Chris fold his fingers around mine and I looked up to find him smiling as well. Glancing all around, we found everything just like we wanted. The hardwood floors looked gorgeous as we walked toward the room that would be our office. The custom made desks were perfect and had matching shelves above them. Two matching comfortable looking chairs on wheels were sat at each one.

Any kind of noise seemed to echo with the lack of furniture and nothing on the freshly painted walls. Making our way around the downstairs to check everything out, my smile hadn't left and neither did Chris' hand. The railings had been cleaned up and polished along with the cabinets in the kitchen. Marble countertops had been installed and a new custom built island. The fireplace mantle looked amazing, I was so glad we were able to keep the original and clean it up. It looked like the same house I always loved but just up to date. I was worried that having all the work done would take the character away from it, but I trusted Chris with all of the choices he had added in over the weeks leading up to this. He had tweaked a few things here and there and I was glad he was handling all of that.

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