Fun Times..... not.

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Chris and I had a few drinks before he asked me if I'd like to dance before we walked onto the dance floor. Before this, I was so busy looking everywhere. There were so many faces I recognized. Once we stepped on the dance floor though, being in Chris' arms, dressed in his suit while I was all fancy too, I felt like we were in our own world. It was different but also so comfortable.

All the cheesy rom-coms and romance movies actually didn't get it wrong. I couldn't look away from his face. His eyes were reflecting the blue from the lighting and they twinkled as they looked into mine. It should not be allowed to look as good as Chris did. He pulled me from my stupor of staring at him though when he spoke up. "Whatcha thinking about?"

"Nothing in particular really. Just admiring how handsome you are and how lucky I am."

His smile reached his eyes. "Well, I have it on good authority from multiple sources that I'm actually the lucky one in this relationship."

"Oh really? Care to elaborate on where you gather your information from?"

"Well, obviously Scotty is a big fan. Both of our families of course, but I've seen quite a few people admiring you tonight."

"Sure you have."

"It's true."

"Well I guess it's a good thing I'm in love with you then, huh? Besides, I know there are some girls here...."

"Let's not talk about the past. Okay? At least while we are here. I know we haven't really discussed my past relationships because you keep saying you don't want to know or when it does come up, it's like right now when it isn't the proper place to talk about it. When we're alone, whether it's tonight or back home, I will tell you whatever you want to know. We need to make time to talk about it soon though, because after tonight, I can take you wherever I want and unfortunately there are things I'm not proud of that I want you to know from me."

"Christopher, are you a fugitive of the law?" I giggled but he only chuckled before answering.

"No, but like I said, I have calmed down a lot as I have gotten older and I'd rather you hear some things from me. I can verify that this industry can bring out an ugly side of people and influence a person in ways they never thought they would act. But for now, I want to enjoy being all fancy with my girl, and in public for anyone to see. Deal?"


There was a live band playing for us to dance along to. After a while the emcee interrupted for just a moment to let everyone in on a little game they wanted to try. In order to promote unity and remind everyone that humans know how to co-exist, dance with someone they did not arrive to the gala with.

My eyes had to have gotten big, not sure of how I was going to feel about sharing Chris. He noticed and spoke up. "We don't have to. I'll leave it up to you.." I saw him notice something behind me so I turned to look.

Seb asked if it was okay to dance with me and Chris actually obliged. We danced for a few minutes before I told him I had a little too much to drink between the two glasses of wine and the water. Sebastian walked with me to the side of the dance floor where there was a bar so he could grab something to drink. Telling me I owed him a second dance, he said he'd wait to the side of the bathroom for me once he grabbed his drink.

Chris and I had talked about his long term relationships even though we hadn't talked about those he had in between yet. It wasn't something I had wanted to know too much about unless there was an obvious reason or we were going to be face to face with someone like we may on this very night. Obvious reason being if I knew who any of the girls were and that it may come up online or become an issue. I didn't want to be face to face with someone who had slept with Chris without me knowing it while I carried on a conversation with them.  After that happened at Tara's Halloween party, Chris knew how much it bothered me so we said we'd discuss things like that before it happened again.  He couldn't change his past, and I didn't have a problem with who he was, I just didn't want to feel like an idiot not knowing and then carrying on a conversation with the woman, oblivious to everything she'd seen before me.

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