One Step At A Time

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We had a few days together in Virginia before having to go separate ways for work. On the first full day back, we did find time to get that marriage license though, just in case we needed it on the spur of a moment. Sebastian was settling in, loving the new place. It was good for him to stay here because it was a bigger space than in New York. He could spread out some, find different scenery to be alone and think or even hang out and not be alone.  There were no paparazzi around either, and so far as we knew, nobody was even aware we had a home here.

Once we got in the house, Chris took Seb's suitcase for him and put it in his designated room while I showed him around. He loved the floor plan we had remodeled around just as much as we did. We walked through the kitchen and living room, then on to the den where Chris and Y/K/N had kind of made a man cave mixed with some of my likes. I told him there was Mario Kart tournaments being held there regularly, which made him laugh and shake his head.

I took him through the back door to show him where off to the side of the house, the ground had been broken and actually a lot had been done for the pool Chris designed with a local construction company. He was including a shed near it to keep everything from the chemicals, tools, nets, floats and whatever else we needed, to be stored in. There was going to be a cement patio around the whole pool for the chairs and a fence around the area as well. Sebastian seemed to get excited about the thought of visiting when it was done.

Then, I pointed to an opening at the line of trees that ran along the back of our yard. "That's where the trail starts that we kind of made from our walks and hikes we've been taking. There's a creek I like to sit near and listen to the water while I write. Chris made a little bench there too. It's a good thinking spot."

Sebastian smiled. "I'll definitely have to check that out. You guys have done a great job on the place. On one hand, it's crazy for me to think Chris will be a married man in the near future. On the other hand though, I have you, one of my best friends that I haven't known as long, even though I feel like I've known you forever. Knowing you're the one he's doing all of this with, it's not crazy at all and the two of you are the perfect couple. I really am so happy for both of you. I can't seem to feel like I say it enough, especially after not being there."

"Sebby, you need to stop dwelling on that. You're here now. I want you to make yourself at home, okay?"

Smiling, Sebastian hugged me, his chin resting on my head as he spoke. "I love you guys. Don't ever let me stray away again okay?"

"I'll do my best, now let me show you the upstairs and to your room."

We let go of one another and he followed me back inside. As we walked by the fireplace to the staircase, Sebastian stopped walking, causing me to stop, trying to figure out what caught his attention. It made me smile to see Sebastian looking at the pictures on the mantle. Turning back to look at me, he smiled as he spoke. "I'm on your mantle. That's our first picture, the one we both use for our contact pictures."

"Of course. That's a special picture for me, and look." I pointed to a picture of Chris and Sebastian on the first Captain America set that was framed and sitting on the book case. Then I pointed out another picture of the three of us together at the toy convention. It made him smile, but I saw a tear trickle from his eye. I didn't need to say anything, as he wiped it away he looked at me, knowing he was caught so he answered my unspoken question.

"You two mean a lot to me and I can't believe I almost messed that up."

"Sebastian, look at me." He had looked down, a shameful expression covering his features. When I spoke, his eyes lifted back up to meet mine as I continued once I had his attention. "You made a mistake. It was a big one, but that's in the past. Part of your problem is you're too good of a person at times and put your trust in the wrong people. They know this and use it to their advantage and it's something you need to work on. But right now, you're here to work on you, and heal. Chris and I, we want to do whatever we can to help you do that and I feel like this house and everything around it will be helpful for you to retreat from the rest of the world for a bit. As long as you need. Y/K/N has been staying here, he's always up for hanging out.  So are my parents, grandparents, brother and whoever else you may meet. As long as it isn't my ex-husband or his wife because that may be a deal breaker."

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