I Know Exactly How You Feel

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Josh decided to tag along anyway to the airport, so Scott and I let him drive. I had an ulterior motive anyway, I would get Chris to myself in the back seat. I think this was the clingiest I had ever felt about being away from him and I blamed Sebastian. Well, and the fact that I just missed my fiancée. It was still strange to feel that longing after just a few days, barely a week. It was definitely there though and Chris described feeling the same way.

We waited in the car, Josh keeping tabs on his phone, until he said the plane had landed. I had already made sure I knew which terminal he was coming through, so as soon as I knew he was home, I opened the door. Both guys in the car protested, at the same time they told me to wait. I was sitting behind Scott so he was able to grab my hand before I could make my getaway. I knew they would tell me it was a bad idea.

"Now, Trouble, it's probably not a good idea."

"Let go Scotty. I'm not a child and it's fine. It's L.A. I am the last person anyone would recognize."

As I started to make my way to the steps, I heard Scott tell Josh to go with me. Josh was beside me in no time. "Josh, I'll be fine. I promise. By the time I get close, Chris will have already made his way to where I'm at."

"Yeah, and I'll get yelled at for letting you get that far out of my sight. Besides, I know you well enough to know not to tell you when the plane really landed."

Turning, I stopped in my tracks. "What?"

"We haven't been around each other as much as you have been around some of Chris' other friends, but I have a quick read on people and Chris has never shut up about you since the two of you met. I knew you'd bolt the minute I told you he landed, so I waited a bit."

"Oh, you're sneaky. Well played Mr. Peck, and also noted for the future. You win this round sir."

I was done with this conversation. Josh was along for the ride, and the funny thing was, I decided to take the stairs so I heard him trying to keep up. He was a little out of shape. Making my way to the doors, I turned to Josh, actually glad now that he came with me. He nodded, pointed in the direction I needed and spoke as we walked. "See, this place is huge and yes, you've already been spotted."

He was right, I saw a few heads watching me, but it didn't matter. Chris was outside and headed our way so I didn't even have to go inside. We were in the area where people were picking up others and taxis were lined up. The good thing was that Chris had already crossed some of the traffic and was a few steps away.

As soon as I was able, I jumped into his arms. I heard the shutters but didn't care and neither did Chris because he didn't let me go even though his hat fell to the ground. He dropped his suitcase and wrapped his arms around me, our lips finding each other without any issues. Thankfully, Josh spoke up, placing Chris' hat back on his head and saying he had the luggage as he started guiding Chris toward the door we had just come through. I was still in his arms and he just continued carrying me as he walked so I wrapped my legs around his waist. Pulling back from his kiss, I finally spoke. "Hi."

"Hi. Damn did I miss you."

Giggling, I repeated his words. "I missed you too. I finished all my chapters so I'm all yours on the trip. No work for me. Whatever you need me for, I'm not letting you out of my sight the entire press tour."

Chris smiled. "Good. Right now though, I just wanna get you home -"

Josh spoke up as the elevator opened, thankfully empty. "-Guys! Seriously, I'm ecstatic for you both, but I'm not sure we all wanna hear about your plans when you get home."

We finally got to the car and Scott was waiting with the trunk open along with a sassy comment. "Okay, did you seriously have to carry her back to the car?"

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