Makoto Neagi oneshot:Culprit

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[This will have spoilers for chapter 1 and it's au where you are the culprit, so I would skip if your not done with chapter 1]

Makoto POV-
"So that's all the evidence, who did Sayaka invite to her room." I was beyond confused, it could have been anyone really.
"Well I was in Kyoko's room all night!" Y/N screamed, they seemed to be trying to convince us they were innocent, but why?
"No you weren't, you left at around midnight."
"Hm, oh I must have been sleepwalking. Sorry Kyoko." Was that true?
"Hold on-"Hifumi interrupted, "At around one I saw you wide awake in the halls, unless you woke up?" Kyoko sighed
"Ok, who left their rooms at midnight, raise your hand." Kyoko addressed everyone enough that Leon, Hufumi and Y/N raised their hands.
"I'm clear tho ok, I was walking with Hifumi in the halls so we would be safe." Leon looked nervous but it made sense to be. I noticed Y/N was sweating overly normal.
"Hey Y/N are you ok?"
"Of course I am, just scared if we get it wrong!" They were sweating more until Sakura spoke up
"But you didn't help investigate yet you know what the numbers mean?"
"Huh? I took a small look and saw them! It not like I killed her ok!?" Y/N looked more nervous then ever.
"Well let's flip the numbers, it could give us a clue-"
"NO Kyoko, were fine without them ok, their just useless numbers!" Y/N seemed off of their mind, were they really ok?

"Listen I was no where near the dorms!"Y/N
"But we saw you, how couldn't you have?"-Hifumi
"You saw me where?"-Y/N
"At the boiler room with something in your hands."-Leon
"I'm clear, it's not like I wear white sleeves-

"Under your top shirt you wear a white cuffed shirt!" I felt bad but I had to know the truth.
"I do, but why would I wear a under-shirt, that's pointless!" They were determined to stay innocent, but I had a hunch it was them.
"No, you've mentioned it to me before..." Chihiro's voice filled the room.

"Can I borrow your shirt?" Y/N seemed to pause then took it off
"Yea, it's just to keep cool when I'm hot, but I think were fine."
"Really, how hot do you get?"
"Not much, but I deal with over-heating problems."
"Oh, ok then, I could make something to help maybe? Sorry I just want to be useful!"
"No it's ok, just remember to keep that clean, as white shirts stain easier."

"In that case your as clear as day Y/N!" Aoi was set on them being the murder, but why?
"Yes the numbers were 11017, so if I'm right we can flip them." Kyoko must be smart to remember the small numbers.
"Flipped is L L space Y, no one has that name!"
"No Toko, there was a line in between the 1's, so its N." Kyoko spoke with confidence, as if she knew who the culprit was. Who was it

"Leon right?" It was a sloppy guess
"No I was with Hifumi!" Ouch I was wrong!

"Sakura right!?"
"No it was not me." Damn it!

"I'm sorry but it has to be Y/N." I was heartbroken at even thinking of them as the culprit
"What!? Makoto really! Why me!" Their ears were steaming somehow, but knew it was the right choice.
"And the motive would be jealousy... tch, such a shame." Byakuyas words empty everyone's minds
"What? She told me herself about it."

"And that's why I want Y/N dead! They are stealing my boyfriend!" Sayaka was renting to Byakuya about her love for Makoto
"Stop-no continue, I could help make a plan but don't make me dirty my hands." Sayaka paused for a moment before holding out her hand
"Deal, I want Makoto anyway!" They shook hands without any other words

"So you made a deal with Sayaka to kill Y/N!?" Mondo was Y/N's friend, so he would be defensive.
"Their is no denying it now Y/N can you confuss now?" Kyoko sounded like she was integrating them instead of asking.
"NO OF COURSE NOT! Just-no I never left my room or had my under shirt on! C'mon, Mondo and Makoto answer me!" They seemed mre focused on winning.
"Fine I'll have to prove it to you now!"
I then explained the murder exactly, hoping to pass time until we vote.
"Fine, I killed Sayaka, but I never ment to! It was on pure accident! I stabbed her and I realized what i had done so I hid the body and threw my clothes away. I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sor-"
"Jeez, you make this boring so shut up Y/N." Byakuya was annoyed at them for no reason. Y/N just cried while we all watched.
"Puhuhuhuh-welp it's voting time, ahahahahah!"
We all voted but I voted for leon instead because I couldn't vote for them, not my lover!
The votes tallyed in, 3 for Leon, 12 for Y/N
We all stared as Monokuma confirmed it.

Y/N's POV-
I knew I wasn't the culprit, but I played along. Why would the mastermind target me to frame anyway? I guess I did inspire everyone to fight back before, and the mastermind is determined to end all hope. But that led to Junko's death, it was the masterminds fault for that as well.
"Why did you kill them?" Kiyotaka was mad at me for sure, I understood why tho.
"I did for a reason I will not state, just know this Makoto, hope will always win!" I decided to use my last moments before my death to cheer them up, because I knew hope would win.
"Hope will win? You seem too happy to be dying." Byakuyas statement seemed to bring everyone back out of shock.
"Uh, If i said I was framed you wouldn't believe me."
"No we would Y/N! C'mon we trust you!" Yasuhiro made everyone riled up to defend me, but I knew fate would come.
"No, I doubt that would occurr, or else we would be wrong." Byakuya seemed more foucsed kn me bekng guilty, but that could form from our company's rivalry, or the war of Y/L/N vs Togami.
"It does, if the mastermind framed them they would get away with it." I realised I forgot about Celeste, the gambler.
"Listen, I am going to die so Mondo, take care of Makoto for me. And Makoto, take my jacket." I gave Makoto my jacket and fist bumped Mondo, just so they got the message. I than walked to the doors that would lead me to my death.

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