If they are the culprit:DrV3 girls

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-She ws suspicious of Kiibo bejng used by the mastermind

-So she tore him apart to find evidence

-But when reconstructing she lost a piece

-So Kiibo was permanently powered off

-She asked Monokuma if it counted as a murder

-It did

-So she just hid parts everywhere

-Miu cried over his death

-This made Keade really guilty

-You and Shuichi caught on that

-Shuichi used it against her in the trial

-You now wear his hat

-Katio and Maki helped you guys recover from her death


-She was transporting knifes across the school

-The kitchen had been raided of them all

-So she went at night to do so

-But she couldn't see Ryoma

-So they tripped on each other and the knifes fell kn Ryoma

-Kirumi just picked up the scene and put the knifes back

-She then threw his body in the pool

-She made it look like he was dragged from his walk

-But to do so she used her gloves

-A part teared off and was left

-So Keade found out it was here but with the wrong murder

-Kirumi didn't mind and ran away from death

-You and Kokichi cheered for her of course

-Monokuma caught her



-She was jealous of Tenko I guess

-She and Tenko fought over Himeko

-Angie forgot about you and tried to win

-In her greed she "broke" her religious  code

-You were bawling because she was gonna die

-Himeko was also sad she lost 2 of her friends

-This is short


-She thought she was a distraction to you

-So she asked Himeko to the pool

-And pushed her after nighttime started

-You saw but kept it secret

-Kokichi found the body but no one believed him

-So Maki and Tsumugi were for a surprise

-With that Tenko was a blankened

-You spend all investigation with her

-Both of you were aware of it

-Then you had already prepared to lose her

-Ha you thought, you sobbed with her after voting

-Tenko's execution involved you and you fainted from crying

-From there you wear her bow

-Kokichi teased you and would faint

-Maybe Tenko is a ghost?


[Spoilers for chp 2]

-Instead of taking off her shirt

-She just grabbed a gun

-She shot at Gonta and missed his legs

-She had shot his heart and killed him immediately

-Kokichi was worried when Gonta didn't come back

-So they saw his body first

-Many Alibi's were already set

-Miu, Kirumi, Ryoma, Katio and Maki had no alibi

-Ryoma was deemed too short

-Maki and Katio were together

-Kirumi cleaned the gym and Angie+Tenko confirmed she was there all night

-So Miu was the only one left

-Ryoma mentioned he could have used a gun

-But Miu was the only one who had guns

-Shuichi knew Kokichi had them but he was at the Insect meet and greet

-You begged for it to be Ryoma

-But Miu kept her guns high up

-Everyone would have heard him grab a ladder

-Plus not even Miu could grab them without one

-But she had those hand machines

-So in the end, she died

-You took over her lab

-Ryoma always thought he could have


-She and Katio were spider hunting

-A new haunted house opened and Katio hated those

-He freaked out which caused Tsumugi too

-They ran and lost each other

-Monophanie had spread a rumor a murderer was in there

-So two teens in a murderer infested house do not work

-Tsumugi heard someone nearby

-Katio did as well and ran

-Tsumugi, thinking the murderer was a wimp went to attack it

-So she threw anything at the person

-Then the person ran past Katio right when she threw a axe

-It hit Katio and he died

-Tsumugi was so distracted that the mystery person dissapeared

-The rest if the night was spend on finding them

-Everyone knew the murderer didn't exist

-So someone had baited Tsumugi

-At the end Maki was found trying to frame Katio

-It went wrong and Tsumugi found her instead

-She ran forgetting Katio was there and hid behind him

-So now she lost her crush

-Tsumugi was held blacken so Monokuma's guilt wouldn't explode

-Who knew he had a guilt meter that can't go past regret?

-Tsumugi's but Monokuma doesn't care, bye bye


-That one theory that she was the murderer

-Pretend that the person didn't stand up there

-Tenko is very sad now

-You and Tenko are besties from this

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