If you were a Little:Dr2

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He will do his best but is only good at buying the stuff and basic care, isn't one to learn easily

He may take a while to understand it but does his best to do so, meanwhile his height can be a problem so he trys to find another caregiver to help him

He will do his best but doesn't want much help, and is good due to being with sport kids

He might not understand it but does some research on it and gets you things you've wanted, is one of the best caregivers

He would understand why but may not be able to care for you well, and would probably be really good accidentally as a caregiver

He would help to his nest abilities but may just ask what to do, treats you softer then he does most kids

He may be confused for a bit but keeps asking you about it and figures it out soon, may try and get help when you regress

She already acts like a mom, so she is just a bit more gentle when you slip and still needs to learn about caring for kids, so she does her best

Not one to understand but trys to help you slip or destress when she knows your stressed, depends on how, and can buy anything, starts using a paci herself

She does her best to understand but when you slip gets more mature and takes you to a private place, and teachs you guitar if your bored, also has had angel milk so she can make it for you

Gets annoyed when you do and goes to Mahiro, but may try to play or asks you to rate how she dances, wanting a child's opinion

She looks it up and gets the proper items you want or need and finds it comforting to care for you, but may ask someone to help especially of she has nurse work

All she knows is you become a kid and treats you like one, but you have a minecraft world that little you uses when she needs a break

She would ask you for basic info and have someone teach he how to help care for you or go to a daycare and volunteer, she just makes a room for you when your little as well

She might not understand it but she can do basic stuff, may get someone to help and ask for baby things people have

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