Hajiaki Oneshot-Minecraft

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[This is Hajime X Chiaki, and my first ship thing, so it may be a bit bad]

"Hey, Chiaki I got the game, can we play?"

"One more hour Hajime, can we invite a friend by the way?"

"Uh sure? Just make sure they won't grief or ruin the playing."

"Ok, ok, I'm sure they will listen, they only mine anyway." After an hourish or 2 Chiaki set up the playstation and made Hajime an account, but Chiaki's friend joined the discord call.

"Heyyyyy! What is up?" They seemed unsocial.

"Jeez, I brought Hajime this time so plz don't mine as much."

"O-Ok, But I could get him diamonds!" Chiaki seemed to ignore them and got Hajime on minecraft, and showed him the basics

"Ok, Miner get some diamonds!"

"Ok Chiaki, I'm already mining hehe."

"So they just mine?"

"Yea, c'mon I'll show you our base." Chiaki lead Hajime to the base and it was a simple brick and cobble square.

"Is this really a base?" Suddenly a Dream-like skin popped up. "AhH!"

"Hajime that's me."

"Sorry Chiaki, wait what do I look like?" Hajime went in third person and saw his skin was like Georgenotfound

"Sorry, I gave you an alt count of mine, I used to watch Dream alot." Another skin came out of the earth and all Hajime saw was a Tommyinit skin but with more girly features.

"Wow, who are you by the way?"

"Oh, well I pr-prefer to be private for now!" Hajime was more disappointed then ok with it but he sucked it up. Chiaki started to show him all of the farms. He accidentally destroyed a carrot farm and Chiaki's friend got mad.

"Hey hey, calm down, take a carrot wil-" Chiaki suddenly bursted out laughing with the unknown person for some reason.

"Is this some joke you guys know?"

"Ye-Yea hahaahaA- sorry sorry sorry, I'm sorry!" Their mood went from 0 to 100 real quick.

"No I'm sorry for destroying the farm!"

"It's ok I guess, your new anyway.."

"Oh ok? What should I call you?"

"You can call me Tamu or Miko. Other nicknames are fine!"

"Ok thanks Tako!" Hajime kept messing up the nicknames of Tamu and once called her waifu. After that Chiaki got jealous and cussed at Tamu.

"Don't ducking flirt with her!"

"I wasn't flirting! They just remind me of a waifu!"

"But a gamer girl doesn't?"

"I'm sorry for being like a waifu Chibi!" The room filled with silence at Tamu's nickname, then Chiaki startung laughing.

"Awwwww, you guys seem like close friends." Hajime pondered who it was, probably a girl because of their waifu ways, but Chiaki was friends with them all but Hiyoko. And only Mikan, Peko and Ibuki had minecraft besides Chiaki.

"Hey Hajime you ok?"

"Yea, just wondering who Mamu is."

"My nickname is Tamu or Miko, c'mon Hajo."

"Huh!? Hajo!?"

"Yea-Yea, It's just a nickname I made for you!" Well it can't be Mikan, too confident, plus they said they were using a voice changer.

"It's ok, I call Hajime Husbando anyway, but Hajo is a better nickname."

"Thanks Chibi!" Then everyone went mining together. Hajime only found coal but Chiaki and Tamu found diamonds, but Tamu died in lava on the way. Not much happened after besides them all bonding until Chiaki accidentally said Tamu's name.

"So, Mikan-

"WAIT! That was Mikan?"

"Yea I'm Mikan... please don't judge me."

"B-B-But how, Mikan is never this confident!"

"Well, minecraft just makes me feel like I'm in a different world so I act different, and I get defensive of my farm hehe."

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