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[Requested by YoshiisaurusKokichi

[Despair AU

[The beginning part includes a hostage situation, I will put ❗at the start and end of it for those who may be be uncomfortable with thta

[Y/N's POV]


I woke up to the Monokuma announcement and knew today was another motive. I looked to see a note on my table showing a picture of my parent/sibling tied up.

You all must go on a date with any other person or else whoever is in the picture will be burned.

I reread the list and felt shocked about it. I knew if I didn't my parent/sibling could be burned. I tried to ignore it and pass it on all morning but soon Rantaro came up to me.


"Hey, I want to ask you on a date?"


"Lets be honest, both of us were on that list, I just want to knock it out with someone that is also on it"

"Smart, sure, do you have a idea on what date?"

"Idk, maybe we can ask some people"

I followed Rantaro to Ryoma and he seemed to be stressing out.

"Hey Ryoma, do you have any date ideas"

"Uhm, yea, maybe get some coffee and hang out at the library"


"Yea, I have plenty of ideas, not like I can use them..."

"Sorry for your rejection"
Rantaro glared at me a bit and and then just groaned while he dragged me away. Soon he went into the kitchen but left me behind.

"Hey, why leave me behind"

"Because you can't make coffee"


"Bet? Ok then"
I grabbed a cup and started with some hot water and put the coffee beans in then mixed. I saw Rantaro start to heat his after adding the beans. I felt a bit off about doing it that way and tried to focus on something else.

"I've already made it better"

"Sure, by using cold water"

"My question is do you add milk?"

"Who uses milk?"
He started laughing alot and I started to blush at the sound of his laugh. The microwave beepee and he took out his coffee, then added milk and creamer.

"I bet mine does taste bad now"

"Let's switch then"

"Hmm, fine"
I took his and took a sip, only to spit it out due to how light it tasted.

"Gross! Way to creamy"

"Too creamy?"

"Yes Avacado! I only drink black"

"Jeez, this is watery"

"I guess we have our preferences..."

"We definitely do"
I threw away the coffe before he could grab it from me and walked out, then remembered the whole date thing. I shulker back only to find him drinking the coffee. I was slightly glad he liked it-wait I was?

"Hey, hurry up the library is closing"

"Since when has it closed?"

"Uhm, I don't know, recently"

"Ok then, can I make a better coffee?"

"F*ck that drink Rantaro!"
I went up and knocked the coffee out of his hands and dragged him with me. At the library I saw Keade and Shuichi and they were reading some murder mysterys.

"Hey, their here"

"And? Their just my friends"

"I don't want them to see us!"

"I can grab a book and we can leave then"

"Thank you"

"Your welcome brat"

"I am no brat!"

"Sure sure"
I walked out of the library and waited for him to follow but then a few minutes went by and I peaked to see Shuichi handing him a book. I let it pass and started to get impatient. I wanted to leave but at the same time the motive was too strong of a reason to not do so.

"Sorry for chatting, me and Shuichi were chatting"

"We have a date now, it's that or your mom dies!"

"Yea yea, c'mon I have a book"
Rantaro started heading to the fountain and I stalked behind him. In ghe corner of my eye I saw Monokuma giggling and rushed to catch up with Rantaro.

I looked at the sun and got blinded for a moment. I heard Rantaro walking still and followed the sound. I felt water splash on me and Rantaro chuckled. I wiped off my shirt and shook off most of the water.

"Are we gonna read or not?"

"I wanna have some fun first"

"The whole idea was read a book together"

"Ehh, not fun, now tag your it!"
I felt him tap me then run and I got confused for a bit before remembering that childish game. I grabbed the book but "dropped" it in the water. I internally didn't mind the game he started.

"You haven't tagged me"

"Yea yea"
I walked over to him while he still ran around and I swore I thought he was Kokichi for a while. They were hanging out for way too long.

[After Tag]

I sat down on the grass and panted like a dog due to not being that fast. I saw Rantaro come up with the wet book and he started to rip it up.

"I know you threw this in"

"Mmm, I did, so what?"

"Aww, do you wanna nap?"


"We can head to my dorm for the rest of the day"

I let myself fall onto his lap and just watched the grass sway. I felt myself blush at the contact.


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