Shuichi X Male!Reader

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All of the teams are real but the players aren't, plus idk much about hockey games

Hockey games don't use kiss cams, just in this oneshot they do

Requested by YoshiisaurusKokichi

755 words

I came back from the bathroom and got in some Red wings merch. I went downstairs and saw Shui watching the news.

"Hey babe"

"Hey, are you done with work"

"Yup, it was a hard case"

"How so?"

"Some kid lost a plush and their brother stole it"


"How was your day"

"Good, I got some extra work done and my boss was pretty fine"

"That's good"
I got my coffee that was making and saw that the Bosten Bruins were giving out free couple tickets. I went to the website and secretly signed up for them. Me and Shui just watched the news as I waited for the results. They wouldn't come immediately but the Bosten Bruins were one of my favorite teams. I just let Shui rant about how one case was a fraud beer exchange.

[Few days later]

I walked home from work and got some text from Shui.


Hey I'm off work early

Nice, wanna do somethin

No, any plans?

I was thinking of plans and checked the other notification to see I won 2 tickets.

Congrats you won our couple set tickets for our next game, which is tonight in [city], please use these well

I had the great idea to use them tonight.


No plans?

A surprise!
Maybe I have a date plan

Oh ok

I turned off my phone and ran home to get in better clothes for the match. I sawShui kn the couch playing some video game and snuck past. I knew he could see me but whatever. I showered and changed into merch and covered myself with a hoodie.

"Oh is it a hockey game?"


"Sorry! Just wondering why you were sneaking by!"
He looked away and I knew he saw me change. So I threw a spare shirt at him.

"Huh? A hockey Jersey?"

"Merch, and yes the date is a hockey game. You really are a detective, *giggles*"

He slowly put it over him and it sagged a big, making him look small. I chuckled at the look and just oicked him up to the couch. I got hot cocoa and just cuddled for a bit, I knew ice rinks could be cold as well so pre-warmth.

[Later that day]

"Shui you ready?"

I started the car and Shuichi got in, then I drove to the game. When we got there the ticket line was a bit long. I showed my code and they let us in, I gave Shui my jacket and went front row seats. Shui just followed and the rink was getting all iced up. It was the Bosten Bruins vs Chicago Blawkhawks. Both were pretty good but moderate this season. The game started and the Blawkhawks got some points, beating the Bruins by two. Then a Bruin got injured and the referee had to pause for a bit.

"Are they ok?"

"Yea Shui, this can happen"

"Oh ok, seems dangerous"

"It is, but it's only a sprained ankle"


"It only pauses the game, not end it"
The game started again and the Bruins got more points, beating the Blackhawks again. It became half-time. But the speakers went on, bot for advertisements this time?

"Now we are trying a new kiss cam!
Only during this half-time due to timing and stuff. Firsttttt up is a lovely mrs and mr!"

The camera landed on some random couple who looked at each other awkwardly. Then the girl got up and yelled quickly.

"Sorry he's my dad!"

"Oops, welp next we have a proud gay marriage"

I looked at the screen and saw me and Shui. In a shy attempt I pecked his cheek and went to grab water for us. He was confused and followed after looking up on the screen.

"Teenage love! The best kind"

"What was that?"

"A kiss cam"

"A what! Why do they have these"

"Babe babe, Shuibabe, its fine"

He started to get anxious and I figured maybe it was time to leave.

"Wanna head home?"

I forgot his social anxiety but I never expected a kiss cam. He grabbed the wheel and drove home in silence. Once at home Shui just sat down and did grabby hands.

I couldn't resist his childish acts and just cuddled after. I tried at least.

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