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[Requested by the one, the only, YoshiisaurusKokichi

[You are america in this and Japanese will be in this font due to not knowing the language

[Chihiro's POV]

I was just chillin and saw on the news that [Y/N] was coming around for a world tour. I got excited to see her come and got my merch hoodie on. I looked up where she was going and I saw she would head to Japan after Spain. I saw tickets for a American language meet up. I was confused and bought one not thinking much.

I just headed to school and hung out with a friend of mine.

[Y/N's POV][A few weeks later]

I was excited and was ready, I read all of the people who signed up and saw the names. About 12 people got in from what I saw.

Tamiki Riko

Fukana Gake

Nigiri Tigushu

Jaoti Jikata

Shikoma Ushira

Chihiro Fujisaki

Naiho Makika

Ichitawa Hoimana

Haru Oka

Nukiri Tamaki

Yuki Rukyo

Kokichi Oma

I skimmed past them all and just knew I would most likely get them in said order. So I prepared for Tamiki and grabbed my first binder filled with american words to study.
I saw a purple-haired girl come in and knew many of them would be girls. Most of my fans were feminine due to me appealing to them anyway.

[After some people]

"So it is 'Hello, I am Shikoma'"

"Yes! You got it right!"

"Thank you so much! I love you so much [Y/N]-chan"
She left the room and I saw she forgot a binder but most of them didn't care for anything but meeting me.

"I need this break, I'll be on a small coffee break Ethan"

"You actually have a fan here, what was your name?"

"My name was Chihiro Fujisaki sir"
I heard the Chihiro and turned to see a small boy or girl. I wasn't sure so I kept it to myself and figured I could grab my coffee after. Sike, I was tired and wasn't dealing with this.

"Ethan, can you tell them I'll be a bit?"

"Sure mrs, sorry but she is on a small break right now"

"Oh ok, I'll be back in a bit"
I watched them both leave and went to the lobby for a coffee, and saw one person puking. I made a good guess that it was the coffee and went on google maps to find a cafe and saw a cat cafe luckily near by.

Once I entered a calico rubbed my leg and glanced around so I lightly pushed it away and went to a table. There was no menu but someone started coming to me. I ordered a coffee and hung out with some cats.

"Is that all for today madam?"

"Yes, thank you"
I got up left and paid a few hundred yen, then headed back to the office to see my fans. Alot were at the front so I pulled my sunglasses up and walked through the best I could.

In my english office I breathed a bit and looked for Chihiro again. I dicided to play like a mom.

"Chihiro! I'm waiting for you back here"

"Are you [Y/N]?"

"Yes we have- sorry, we have english lessons still"

"Ok then"
I lead him to the back and started with the greeting cards.

"So hello is, hello"


"No, hello"

"Is there a shorter version?"

"Yes,  Hi"

"Just like Hi. Ok then, Hi"

"Good job, lets work on Hello again"
He keot getting stuck on the -lo part and I was chucking a bit, but english was my first language so I couldn't judge. I remember how one girl couldn't process it either.

[After some basic words]

"Can you introduce yourself?"

"Y-Yes, Hi, I-I am Chihiro Fujisaki"


"What is that word?"

"Oh, it's nice but in english"

"Ah, Ni-ce. Simple"

"Did you know Japanese is my third language?"

"What! How many do you know!"

"England, French, Japanese, Dutch, and I'm learning Spanish now"

"Wow! That's alot"
I just was relieved and felt better teaching Chihiro over my fangirls. I knew time was up for everyone so I was prepared to lie about something so noone thought I was taking time with one person.

"Before you go Chihiro, may I give you my number, I like you alot"

"Thanks, sorry for taking a bit too much time"

"Its ok. I really like you"
I slipped my number to him and just left the door open so he could leave. I went to my security Ethan and made a excuse to leave.

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