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[Requested by YoshiisaurusKokichi

[Is a Fluff

[Includes Alcohol, Bullying, School Shootings,

[Nagito's POV]

I watched as the mortal known as [Y/N] slept. I never knew why mortals needed sleep. But I knew I was one of them before. She started to wake up and I felt a sense of danger today. I knew her dad had always hated her but today he had a bad aurora.

I looked away when she got out of bed and prepared to protect her today, maybe it would be worst then days before.

[Y/N's POV]

I woke up and changed into my school uniform, I heard dad yelling downstairs again and was thinking mom left for work already. I walked downstairs and saw my dad knocked out from alcohol. The bottles were everywhere, even behind him. I got some cereal, glad he was unconscious at least.

I prepared for school and left to walk to school and saw the sidewalk was cracked as always. But this time the cracks weren't so deep and trippy. On the way my usual bully, Yoikata, attempted to trip me using them. Instead he tripped and landed face first. I couldn't help but chuckle at it. I ran off before she would yell at me.

At school I just put my things in my locker and Yoitaka and her friends slammed the door close. I already had that I needed. Soon they got pushed back by a unknown force and Yoitaka's hair got ruined.

"Omg! Girls lets go!"

"Yoitaka, [Y/N] is still here"

"I don't care Ohika! Let's go"

She left me alone and I walked to class to try and learn something today. I knew I never focused in class anyway. With the bullying I could just drop out anyway. A new teacher came in again and tried finding the lesson plans but apparently lost them.

"Oh, dear oh me... I lost the lesson plans, um, we can watch a movie today class"

I put my school stuff away and the whole class had fun watching [Movie]. I ended up drawing a picture of a weird angel I see in my dreams. The T.V. randomly turned off.

"Everyone get under your desk!"
The teacher went to turn off the lights and everyone hid somewhere. Footsteps were heard outside the classroom. They lead away from our classroom and gunshots were heard over in the next classroom. Someone opened the window everyone started to run and the cops had already arrived.

[Not gonna right the rest lmao]

School had been closed due to the drama and many kids got injured or passed out, and so school was closed for a long time. Somehow the intruder hacked the school system to make it not report. I came home to see dad passed out again. I knew mom might be pissed I got out of school early but I needed food. I checked my cabinets and saw nothing.

Feeling like I was staving I looked for any money and saw some on the counter, as if it was left out for me. I took it with suspicion and left to get some burger king, it was cheaper and I only had a 20. I got a burger and some fries not thinking about much else except icecream. The wind was to strong and I gave up on heading to the ice cream place. I got home and needed a nap from all the stress from school.

[Nagito's POV]

I was tired from having to protect her all day. How often did mortals not know when there was danger. Anyway I was lucky to get rid of the lesson plans and call the cops. While the mortal was napping I made sure her dad was still knocked out and flew to get basic food in the kitchen.

[After Nap]
[Y/N's POV]

I woke up to hear my mom come home and prepared for her to yell at me. I locked my door and hid my phone so she couldn't take it and started to freak out but my squshie rolled next to me and I took it without hesitation. I never heard my mom as some time passed and I opened my door to see her walk pass me.

I sighed in peace and watched youtube for a bit before it got late and yawned knowing I was safe today. I heard a whisper before I drifted off.

Night [Y/N], dumb mortal


Idk know that I wrote it I want to make Nagito your childhood friend, fml. Eh it's good enough

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