Kyoko oneshot:Yandere

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Trigger warnings-
Mentions of Stalking


Makoto POV-
I woke up ok in a rush and tried to remember what I saw in the dream-no, nightmare. All I could remember was a unknown person and Monokuma making a deal... few flashbacks came to me.

"So it will happen?"

"Yup phupu, if you frame your "lover" then them and you get away with murder. Simple as pie"

"Ok then, I hope she likes heaven!"

"Ohhh, so their a woman?"

"I will not answer that question... Goodbye Kuma"

Stranger walks away

"Welp oh welp, I wonder who they will frame..."
Flashback end:
I couldn't believe someone would murder, But I just have to find who first. I guess the first hint would be Kuma... But what could Kuma mean? After a while of thinking all I could say was it could be Byakuya's dad, Sokuma Togami. The person knows him at least. I don't know if Byakuya has siblings here? If he does it's probably them... My mind drifted to Toko as well...

"Hey Mo-Makoto"

"Oh hi Kyoko, I'm busy right now, but do you know who Sokuma is?"

"Hmmmm, No but [Y/N] does I think, isn't their mom Alio Togao? She was Sokuma's cousin"

"Then why is [Y/N]'s last name different?"

"Their mom and them got in a fight and they wanted to not be close to the Togami's or Togao's"

"Oh ok, thank Kyoko!"

"Of course"  With that Kyoko left, and I felt wrong, but I should question [Y/N] anyway, It could be them if that was the case

Your POV-
I had a feeling someone would chase behind me again, this has happened more than once with Koto anyway.

"Hey, wait up!"

"Hm, yes Koto?"

"Don't call me that [Y/N] Togao! Do you know Sokuma Togami?"

"Huh? Yea he is my mom's cousin, and  I am not a Togao anymore, I am [Y/N] [L/N], the Ultimate [Y/T]"

"Ok... sorry I had a bad dream"

"Bad dream?"

"Yea, someone will murder and they know Sokuma, I think"

"Well why do they know Sokuma?"

"They called Monokuma Sokuma so that means "kuma" is important to them"

"Ok Koto! Keep asking, but by now everyone knows who Sokuma Togami is. Please don't tell them about my relation to the Togao's though"

"Why not?"

"My mom is not the person she seems to be"

"Ok then [N/N], please don't be the murderer!" Koto ran off before I could   tell him thanks, a part if me worried for Toko though, as if she would die next. But its not like she would, too scared of us to do so, right?

Time skip

I heard rumbling in my room and woke up, seeing Toko's body on the floor. I ran to get everyone else when I got knocked out and could feel myself get dragged somewhere.. my mind was tøo dižý aţ thåț poīņť, āđ ý wørł-

I was shaked up from my sleep, seeing everyone above me. Then Mondo yelled at me, all I could make out was Toko and murder. Looking around it was fuzzy and then I saw blood near me. I fainted for a second time and closed the door to my closet on the way.

I woke up to a class trial? Everyone was discussing how I was framed but could have done it. I guess it makes sense as I was there from the start and did turn on Byakuya after finding out about our familys

"Calm down, as a Togami I don't see why your special"

"Listen, the Togao's are cousins of the Togami family, and anyone relationed to them gets famous, which is why I abandoned the name"

"Don't worry, I see no need to declare it, you have got fame your own way as well, so leeching off of us is a no go"

"Thanks Togami, I could never tell anyone about this anyway, but don't keep Sokuma a secret, he is your father"

"If I must"
Flashback end-
So the blackened said Kuma once? Only me and Byakuya know about Sokuma but Makoto asked for info on him, so how did he find out about him. I'm stupid, Byakuya announced about it! The conversation seemed to ignore me whenever I tried to help, so I shut up and daydreamed.

"Hey [N/N] is awake!"

"Good job Makoto! We knew that already! So did you or did you not kill Toko!" Mondo seemed in a rage, from what I knew it could only be...

"Ok listen, I passed out after seeing her dead but their was no blood, then you guys found me in the closet and I fainted. No lies!"

"Ok, can we prove you saw the body first?" Kyok seemed on the right track, I could prove my innocence with it!

"Well, 3 people found the body, which means she could be telling the truth and the murderer could have been with them, so its not possible to prove [Y/N] is clear or not"

"Makoto! I thought you would defend me!" Why did he say that? Is there any hope for me?

"Then it's you, fair and sqaure!" Sayaka's words filled the air, while all I could do it plead they don't vote me. But everyone did when it was voting time, dispite my statements, I could tell some were weary of getting it wrong.

"Annnnd the person who is the blacken issss... Kyoko Kirigiri!"

"So we were wrong about [Y/N]!"

"Yep, now the deal makes [Y/N] and Kyoko live on, butttttt its punishment time!" Music filled the background and I heard everyone get dragged off one by one, having to watch Makoto's last. It filled me with lots of despear.

"Hey are you ok?"

"Leave me alone Kyoko" I ran to my room and locked it, then went to sleep for the night. My dreams filled with everyone's executions. Then I woke and released I was trapped in with Kyoko now. The next morning was awkward for us both until she started a conversation.

"Soo, are you glad I killed your cousin?"

"Hm? Who is my cousin?"

"Byakuya Togami am I wrong?"

"Did Makoto tell you about that, he promised he wouldn't tell anyone!"

"Well how did he know? I told him because I've been stalking you and you write about in your dairy"

"Oh, but why stalk me?"

"Because... will you not run when I say this?" I scooted away frrom her feeling uncomfortable to speak up as well. But she grabbed my hand and forced me back

"Hummmm, I knew you would run, but it's because I love you [Y/N]" She then hugged me. A huge smile fell on her face which made me freeze with fear. By now neither of us knew what to say.

"Well c'mon, lets go cuddle in my room ok [Y/N]?"

[When editing I confused Koto for Toko, it's a nickname for Makoto

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