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[Requested by YoshiisaurusKokichi

[Involves someone obsessing over someone, but nothing else

[Toko's POV]

I was drawing me and [Y/N] again and looked  around to see Byakuya glaring reading a book. I didn't mind his glare and mumbled something about him so everyone still thought I was obsessed with him. I didn't even think about how people could think I liked some rich boy. I loved how he was always handsome and looked similar to [Y/N]. I knew fairly well it was also lust for him but I made a plan to at least talk to [Y/N].

[Y/N's POV]

I was walking after seeing Hifumi and passed the library. I peeked to see the usual two and went back out but a piece of paper hit my back.

"H-Hey [Y/N]..."

"Hey Toko"

"Wanna hang out?"

"I guess... any idea where?"
She seemed to zone out and looked like she was punched when I asked the question.

"Actually you know me and Aoi have something planned right now, sorry!"
Toko ran back in the library and I didn't mind. I knew she was shy and ran away from me often. Maybe I was too intimidating for her. I was taken out of my thoughts having Chihiro bump into me.

"Oh sorry"

"Its ok Chihiro"

"Thanks, I was in a rush"

"For what?"

"To get something to Mondo"

"I could take it too him"

"Thank you, it's a new game I made, he may bring it back later but I'll care for that"
I nodded my head and took the small box with me to find him. I didn't know where he was and started with the dorms.

[Toko's POV]

I saw their interaction and wanted to crush Chihiro in half. I hid when he came by and came out to see [Y/N] gone. I knew I had to keep trying and at least be more then a random stranger to him. I went to the cafeteria to eat for a bit and saw Mondo. I had a chance to tell [Y/N] where he was at least.

[Y/N's POV]

I left the dorms in disappointment and saw Toko coming back sweating.
She saw me and smiled while speeding up.

"Need something Toko?"

"Mondo is eating right now"

"Oh ok, why tell me though?"

"I-I saw you looking for him"

"Oh thanks for the help!"
I gave her a warm smile then left her near the dorms to give the game to him. On the way I saw him head out and I made sure to hand it too him.

I went in for a quick drink and saw Kyoko and Celeste having tea.

"Hey Kyoko"

"Hello [Y/N]"

"Oh, I thought it was Hifumi"

"Ah, did he come earlier?"

"No, I just prefer him over the rest of you guys"

"Oh, may I join for tea?"
The two girls looked at each other and Celeste got another cup out. I sat down next to Kyoko and poured some for me. They went back to mindlessly talking about their crushes.

"I can't believe Makoto could like you back"

"I know, we're just friends for now"

"Sure sure"

[Toko's POV]

I got lost and went to the cafeteria to write a bit and maybe draw but I heard voices in there. I got confused as Mondo was the only person in there.

Taking a peek I saw Kyoko and [Y/N] together yet Kyoko was talking to air? I then saw Celeste and calmed down just a bit.

I didn't want to go in there to draw anymore and went in the kitchen to grab some mochi. I grabbed a few pocky sticks and my mind filled with images of me and [Y/N] doing the pocky challenge. It was ruined when he came in.

"O-Oh hey"

"Hello Toko"

"What a-are you doing?"

"Putting tea stuff away"

"I see"

"Yea, you need anything?"

"Not at all!"
I ran out not caring if I made any noise and headed to my room.

[Y/N's POV]

I watched Toko run out and shrugged my shoulders continuing to carefully put the tea set away. I grabbed a pocky stick myself and ate it while walking around the school. I saw the library and went in to only see Byakuya.

"Hello Byakuya"

"Hmpf, hello"

"Have you seen Toko"

"Not since she followed you"

"She did?"

"You're an idiot"
I got confused by his words and grabbed a fantasy book. I didn't want to be around a prick anymore and went to a random hallway to read. I saw Kiyotaka pass by and he stopped to look at me.

"Why are you reading here?"


"Ah! Well you should head to your dorm"

"Thanks Kiyotaka"

"Your welcome"
I took his suggestion and just went to my dorm, seeing it was near nighttime. I hear a knock and went to check it out.

"N-Night [Y/N]"

"Good night Toko"
She closed my door for me and I read my book until the end of the night.

[Toko's POV]

I made sure to finish the details in my writing and felt a bit more flustered thinking of every interaction I had. I felt euphoria from today. I set my notebook down and hugged my pillow trying to calm down for sleep.

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