Mondo Owada Oneshot:Yandere

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[Promy- Mondo kidnaps you]

Trigger warnings-
Burning people

You woke up to get ready for school and see Kiyotaka and Mondo again. They were your best friends in school and everyone though they were dating in secret. You had a crush on Kiyotaka and was a bit jealous of Mondo but you never let it get in the way. You got in your school outfit and used [color] on the trims to confess to Kiyotaka. You grabbed the letter for him and ran to school seeing as you slept in.

You saw Mondo talking to Kiyotaka and tried to get to them in time. The bell ran just before you got there. You ran to Kiyotaka's locker and put the letter in. Soruki saw you and came up to you.

"Hey are you stealing from him?"

"Oh, no, I-I just put-"

"A bomb!? I will repo-"

"Wait! I put a love letter in there!"

"Ohhhhhh, ok, sure [Y/N] but you are on 5 reports"

"Ok, ok just leave me alone Soruki"

"Hmfp, It's Hisako-senpai to you!"

She left and I was releaved. She caused alot of drama and didn't deserve to be on the student council. Their was alot of reserve students in their because not alot of Ultimates could join due to their talents. You were one of them unfortunately.

[Kiyotaka's POV]

There was a student council meeting, so me, Kyoko, Mahiro and Chiaki went their while the reserve students, Soruki, Sarako, Zuna and Reinade walked in. Soruki seemed pissed and started to flirt with me again while her sister seemed bored as always.

"Ok, Soruki please sit down, we have a meeting" It was refreshing to see Chiaki put her game down for once.

"Thanks Chiaki, I would report you Soruki but no one would believe me so listen to her"

"Hmfp, fiiinnnneeeee" Soruki sat down and we dicussed the problem of  a new murder. Kyoko suggested we hire a detective but seemed nervous about it. Reinade thought of using Kyoko and Chiaki as detectives to save money for the art festival. Sarako wanted to call police and tell everyone about it.

[After meeting]

We decided to get a detective due to our lack of knowledge on the murder ourselves. We found out that Byakuya was burned to death by a unknown student in his class. I told Kyoko to be cautious of everyone and Soruki offered to pick up for us. Sarako left because she had a surgery to get to. I left to class and saw [Y/N] talking to Mondo about crushes.

I decided to listen instead of join because I got a love letter today and [Y/N] usually knows the drama as much as I hate it. Plus I liked them and hoped they like me back.

"So you gave him the letter?"

"I did Mondo, Soruki almost reported me for it"

"I'll keep that in mind, I wanted to confess to you too"

"What did you want to confess?"

"Uhh, Hey Kiyotaka there you are!" Mondo seemed a bit rough edged after he saw me... did I do something wrong?

"Yea I am here, now Soruki almost reported you?"

"Yea she did, I guess she was in a bad mood or something" Soruki was definitely getting kicked off the council, Mondo seemed in a bad mood too.

"Hey Ishimaru can you come with me?"

"Sure Owada, we'll be back [L/N]" Mondo seemed to have something important to talk about. We walked to the back of the school where the furnace was. Mondo then pushed me in and closed the door. I was waiting for the fire to start but time seemed to take forever.

[Soruki's POV]

I walked behind the school because I heard some sort of screaming from back there. I wish Sarako could come with because I wanted to confess to Kiyotaka today. Of course [Y/N] gets on the way and gives him a letter. I was going too but Sarako accidentally threw it away. Chiaki seemed serious this meeting, unlike most. I got back to topic and saw a empty trash area.

"Hey you are Soruki? I lost my friend!" Some guy in a black jacket came up to me.

"You should wear your uniform, and I heard screams from back here"

"Really? My friend Kiyotaka Ishimaru came here and didn't come back"

"Oh, ok, what is your name?"

"Mondo Owada, you can call me Mondo though"

"Ok, can you look around the front of the school then?"

"Yup!" Owada ran off and I check again and opened the door. I saw someone in there but couldn't identify  who it was. I went to report it when I saw Mondo.

"You've seen him? Since your looking for Kiyotaka I can send him to you..." Then I realized it was Kiyo down there.

"I would prefer not to be with him, may I go report his acc-"

"When did you have a choice!" He rushed at me and threw me in as well, shutting the door. All I heard was Kiyotaka crying and the flames starting. I knew it was over for us by then.

[Y/N's POV]

I was walking home and Kiyotaka was  late. I figured at first he was at the meeting but Sarako and Zuna left school, Soruki didn't and was probably flirting with Kiyotaka again. Reinade disappeared like he always does, some people reported seeing him but no evidence is found. I was wondering how does Reinade just ecome a ghost when I forgot about heading to the cherry tree. I rushed there to see footsteps.

The footsteps lead to the furnace and there was dusty shoe prints. They looked like a guys and possibly a girl's.
Soruki could have come here with another student and left. The furnace was on and everything seemed running well, I left to the cherry tree again.

"Hey [Y/N]!"

"Oh, Mondo! Is there any trouble?"

"Yea, Kiyotaka is missing, as well as Soruki!"

"Where did you see them last?"

"The furnace! I don't know what they were doing"

"Lets check again then" I had a bad feeling as the prints didn't leave the furnace. Maybe they were pushed in by someone, maybe Mondo? I shouldn't think that.

"So Mondo? Any sight of anyone else here?"

"No, except me seeing them" That left one option then, he pushed them. I went to open the furnace when he stopped me.

"Hey! Why check in there?"

"Well, they could have been pushe-"

"My covers blown?"

"W-What cover?"

"I'll admit now, I pushed them in, they can date because Kiyotaka doesn't deserve you" At his words my anger exploded, even when I knew I was cornered.

"So you killed him?!"

"Hey hey! Quiet down!"

"No!" He grabbed a cloth and lunged at me, tackling me down. Then my world went black as I was suddenly able to hear their screams, more like crying from one. Mondo smirked and I fainted.

[1169 words, I feel like the end is rushed but the build up was great! I am also proud because I'm bad at oneshots and I feel like this was pretty good. Sorry if you wanted more info on Byakuya but he died because he sucks.

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