Junko Enoshima:WIP

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First date-
-It's in her mansion of course

-Muruko is pushed away so you don't see her

-She also got butlers so you never had to work

-Had the most expensive gifts for you

-You thought she was preposing to you with a 2k ring

-It was 20 carrot gold as well

-You had McDonald's with it though

-Muruko had accidentally got the wrong restaurant

-But you liked it so Junko was less mad then before

-She still yelled at Muruko after the date

-You gave her a scarf then

-She never let go of it the entire date

-Muruko called her a simp

-You were a gamer child as well

-She was horny the whole date

-She got minecraft for you

-Junko beat the enderdragon and rubbed in your face for 10 seconds

-Basically big simp for gamer girl

View on PDA-
None, just whatever causes you despear the most, but will cuddle if you have nightmares, hates being cuddled back

Mastermind AU-
I can't prefect perfection

Why she likes you-
You are easy to trick and prank, but also are oblivious to her bad intentions, she can always make you love her from that

Likes to smush you or leave you alone, whichever causes despear, if she does cuddle often she crushes you so you can't sleep for long periods of time

When she is the culprit-
-She would murder you

-You were lured by food to your execution

-Then it was made to allow little escape

-Of course she watched and made it harder herself

-The despear from both of you was overintoxicing

-To Junko only

-You then died

-Junko cried in excitement

-Very sick to write

How she plays among us-

-Third imposter

-Gets voted out immediately

-Muruko never votes for her


-Voted out

-Really sucky

Overall- 4/10



Their quirk-
She can see peoples darkest fears, but then she gets it for a while

Hero name: Pity monster

Their dere-
Sado and Yan, no doubts

American Name-Hazel

Genderbend Name-Junko Enoshamu

Moving in with them-
-She seems excited

-But no one knows she wished she moved in

-She trys to seem like the best roommate

-But she sucks at cooking, unless its banana bread

-Idk she loves that I guess

-She is also very messy

-But now you can clean and teach her how to cook

-She is obsessed with any bread things

-Loves baked goods

-You introduced plushies to her

-And a bed, more like the frames but...

-She wants a garden to grow flowers for you

-You share a room but do a split room set-up

-Both of you stay up reading fanfiction

-And Nexflix is a must

-You just share her account

-And she watchs alot of... despairing documentarys

-Your surprised she never crys over them

-You try and get her to be more happy, without pain

-Muruko used to share so Junko has left-over items for you

-Hair styles and cuts are free now

-Just keep a eye on her

Future kids-

Jamuko: 17 years old, male
He has been influenced by his mom too much and is like her, he used to love camping and hunting but hated animal ab*se or meanies/bullys, he has dirty-blonde hair and dark blue eyes

Jikata: 13 years old, female
She is like her brother, and is very sweet to family, kinda yandere over her mom tho, and loves baked goods like her, she had blonde hair but dyed it purple, and crystal blue eyes

Izuro Kaji: 9 years old, male
He is often used to impress Izuru because of his good learning skills, but Izuru and his siblings never care, he looks up to you and hates despair, he is blonde-haired and has your eyes and freckles, Kaji is his preferred name

Anything to be in power or in charge

Where they kiss you-
Your lips

Her hand

If you flinched-
She would laugh at first but if someone made you flinch their as good as dead, if she did she apologizes and ignores it

If you were a little-
She would laugh at you and make you slip, then she would mistreat you a bit while making sure you don't cry

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