If they are the culprit:Dr2 girls

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-She and Hiyokobwere showering together?

-Hiyoko slipped and hit her head

-Someone switched the pain meds with poison

-Mahiro isn't a doctor of course

-But Monokuma vame and warned her

-He needed the poison for ither reasons and stored it there

-Mahiro thought he was messing with her and ignored him

-Monokuma left knowing what would come

-When found out he would use it against her

-Mahiro thought Hiyoko passed out from shock or something

-You were in her cabin[plot reasons]

-Mahiro told you to watch Hiyoko

-When you felt her neck, you misunderstood what Mahiro did

-Poor Mahiro

-Then everyone thought she killed her on purpose

-No one ever knew the truth damn Monokuma

-Everyone still hates him though


-Someone jumped you and Peko went to protect you

-Her sword hit you instead of them

-And she sharpened the blade that morning

-Your stomach went slice

-But when people found you Peko was deemed innocent

-She got away with it lol

-But when she saw what was outside she regretted it

-Then Peko made a shrine for you and Fuyuhiko

Ibuki-[Chp.3 spoilers]

-Ibuki knew Mikan wasn't well

-But she saw Mikan with the poison aready

-Monokuma lightened her disease enough to fight back

-Ibuki accidentally stabbed her tho?

-She didn't grab a towel but a scalpel

-She remembered your words to never die

-She couldn't break a promise no matter the reason

-So she pretended to change the scene

-It looked like Mikan told her to stab her now

-Ibuki put up her act and waited

-Soon Hajime found out it was her

-But she still hid the truth

-You hated Mikan with a passion from then

-Sonia was there for you during your lost

-Ibuki and Mikan were friends in heaven lol


-She was jealous of his hair

-So she went to cut it in his sleep

-But the store scissors were hard to use

-She ended up cutting his head

-She just ran and askes for a sleepover with you

-You saw blood on her hand

-So you hid the evidence

-Hajime couldn't find the culprit

-He found out you helped the culprit tho

-So it was assumed you were the culprit

-Mahiro was shocked

-Hajime was shocked he was wrong

-Hiyoko cried wayyy to much

-Lil brat always cried every sense



-Monokuma got a new motive called "despear disease"

-So Nagito, Mikan and Ibuki were affected

-Hajime was chosen to care for them

-You wanted to help Mikan but sucky life

-Nagito had the lying disorder

-Ibuki got the submission disorder

-Mikan had the murder disorder

-Things lead to things and there were only two rooms

-Nagito and Ibuki shared the same room because they fit well

-But Mikan thought she was underprivileged

-So she broke in and poisoned them

-Hajime also had to get you to come stop her

-Sadly she stilled killed them

-Peko and Akane stopped her from killing you just in time

-The disease wore off in the trial

-All she heard was she killed people

-So if course she freaked

-Poor Mikan

No,I must not ruin her heart-

-She and Nagito were gaming

-He rage quit and threw a knife at Chiaki

-Then she threw it at him?

-Body dead sad trial


-Kazuichi was catcalling her

-In a attempt to look cool she threw a grenade at him

-You ran away bacause who does that

-Sonia knew you guyswere in a safe zone

-She got confused and ran too

-Kazuichi go boom!

-You refused to look at the body

-ToKo WaS hEaRtBrOkEn

-Monokuma made her seem more violent then she was

-No one believed you and she died

-Poor you


-Her and him were fighting

-He brought a knife for fun as well

-But he really had a plan to kill her

-So she grabbed it and threw it to the side

-But he was too smart and jumped to her side

-He never cared if he died I guess

-Now Akane was in trouble

-If she got Mikan everyone would know

-In her panic she got Mikan anyway

-Nekomaru died sadly

-You all forgave her but to live she has to go


-They were on a roof fighting Monokumas

-Then ball Monokuma came rolling at Toko

-You ran away while Komaru pushes Toko out the way

-But Toko fell off the roof

-You and Komaru made her a grave

-Komaru was depressed for a while

-The warriors did take advantage of this as well

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