Kazuichi and Teruteru

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[Just these two dating and the Reader being a close friend


[Teruteru's POV]

I finished the steak and set it on the plate then added the last seasonings on,  then passed it around to [Y/N] to try.

"It looks good"

"I hope it does"

"It does Teru"

"I'm glad"
I got a small text from my boyfriend and checked it quicky sending a message.

"Sorry [Y/N] I have to go"

"Ok, I'll see you tomorrow and tell you about the steak"

I ran off and took off some of my chef wear to hurry up and see Kazuichi.

[Y/N"s POV]

I ate the steak and slightly gagged, yet I was able to swallow it. After a few bites I sneakily threw it out and went to see Kazuichi to help fix my phone. I didn't want to buy a new one mainly because of all the fanfiction I had saved. On the way I saw a shadow but passed in on as nothing.

I made sure to skip the shortcut he told me about so I was able to admire the setting sunset and watch the light turn onto darkness. I got a small sense of insecurity from lack of light but knew I had my phone on hand. If anything I could use it as a flashlight.

When I got to his house I took off my shoes and put on the guest ones then made my way into his room.

"Hi dear? Come to see your friend"

"Yes Mrs.Soda, he offered to fix my phone"

"You can stay the night if needed"

"I was thinking of getting a taxi or taking the bus, but thanks"

"Ok then, I also have some snacks if you want-"

"Yes yes, your so kind"
I went through the hallway and to his room and saw Teruteru their in a casual outfit.

"Did I interrupt something?"

"Oh, sorry I forgot you were coming"

"No thats ok, why is he here?"

"Uhm, let him explain?"
I looked to Teruteru with Kazuichi and he just laughed while closing his eyes. Not much happened for at least a minute and my leg started to bounce so I took a seat on the floor.

"Sorry for interrupting this date or something, I had plans with Kazuichi"

"While your here how did the steak taste?"
I swallowed fast and got flashbacks to the taste, and a bit of it wanted to come back but I kept it down.

"It was fine, but maybe work on it?"

"You never liked meat did you?"

"Not really?"

"I'll make toast next time"

"Ok, I can eat that"

"You can make steak?"

"I told you I am a chef"
Kazuichi hugged Teruteru in random excitement and I was left to watch them do so. I felt a urge to join but didn't want to be rude. I looked to the window and saw it was late.

"Ah, I should head home before it gets way too dark"

"Ok [Y/N], it is dark though"

"I'll be fine"
I left his room and thanks Kazuichi's mom on the way. I changed into my shoes and used my phone yet saw almost pitch dark. I checked the time and saw it was only 7:30 pm.

"Maybe I should call my parent"

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