First meet:WOF

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-It was a playdate

-Your parents wanted you to make more friends

-His parents were tired of having him around

-Your parents brought you to the beach

-He liked the water alot

-It was the first time you ever swimmed

-So you saw him as a god

-He made you do weird things

-Leon came by

-Leon and Masaru taught you baseball

-You mistaked Leon as Masaru's older brother

-He was weirded out but went with it

-Masaru was excited to have a brother and sister

-You didn't want to leave him when time came

-So you cried with him

-Leon left

-Your mom was glad you made a friend

-It was during art class

-You needed help with making a face on a clay mold

-Jataro noticed and showed you how

-You asked for his name and he got shy

-This was the first time someone talked to him normally

-You chat for a bit about your parents

-He thought that [event] was traumatizing when it wasn't

-So he comforted you

-He became your best friend then

-The teacher caught you talking and gave you both detention

-You were bummed about it while he didn't care

-Then you had detention with a blue-haired boy

-He made you uncomfortable

-So Jataro comforted you

-Best friends forever

-You met during a play

-She helped you get in a hero character

-She was playing as the main villain

-So you became friends through the play practices

-During the play you thought she was going to kill you with her acting

-After she complimented your skills

-You invited her over for the night

-You did ever classic teenage girl games

-Your older sister helped set them up

-[sister] rigged 7 minutes in heaven

-But you all had a turn with the other 2

-Kotoko had the funniest night in her life

-Expect many more sleep overs

-You needed to get a tuter

-Nagisa needed money for icecream

-It worked out because you offered money and free icecream

-He helped you with math and science

-You helped him in art because he wasn't focused in that class

-He caught up and panicked over grades

-You calmed him down and told him grades don't matter

-His life changed from that moment

-He made excuses to stay with you after icecream

-You hugged him bye and he blushed[platonic]

-She met you at the park

-Some kids were bullying you because you couldn't use your hand

-Monaca saw and helped because she remembered being bullied

-She was the most scariest person in school and taught you self-defense

-You helped her with leg stuff

-A teacher needed a essay from you

-She wrote it for you so you didn't get in trouble

-You explained how your parents yelled at you because you never wrote right

-She made a deal with you that she would write for you

-She had some of the best hand-writing ever

-After you got your first A you showed it to her

-She pretended to be happy

-A great friendship formed

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