When they kill:WOF

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[This is when you found out about them killing adults but they are not a murderer in a modern world

-He came home bloody

-His dad was asleep and his mind was just running with murder

-So he suffocated his dad with a bottle

-You happened to walk in right after his dad died

-It was awkawrd until you screamed

-Masaru calmes you down but you were shaking

-Then he realized what he did

-He knew it was too late and comforted you

-He hid the body and told you to just have a sleep-over

-The crime was unsolved so his mom went to jail

-He bribed you not to tell

-You still had nightmares from it though

-Monaca didn't care and soon you got used to seeing him kill all the time

-You never let him near the kitchen again

-You didn't find out

-He hid it so you didn't see him as bad

-But he confessed after a while

-You forgave him and told him to stop

-He also hid you from Monaca

-When she found out about you she accepted you surprisingly

-Monaca wouldn't let Jataro stop

-You just told him to kill as fast as possible

-Jataro just cuts necks from there on

-She saw you hanging out with a boy

-He was almost a teen

-So Monaca let her kill him

-She did it in front of you

-Everyone wondered why you were distant to her

-Kotoko just forced you to stay friends

-She even got you to join the warriors

-You found out when you asked him

-Your parents have gone missing recently

-Nagisa confessed but there was no evidence

-So you never knew

-Nagisa was always honest but smart enough to hide a body

-Soon your family is dead

-Monaca murdered them not Nagisa

-He still took the blame for her

-Monaca got you to join and you learned Nagisa didn't lie

-You joined him but doubted Monaca

-You replace Masaru and Nagisa regretted his actions

-She was open about it

-Just to test you she murdered your [guardian]

-Then placed fake evidence and made you detective

-Everyone depended on you to solve it

-The rest of the warriors knew about what Monaca did

-You ended up just breaking down because of the stress

-Your other [guardian] was disappointed and died later

-Monaca gave you clues and basically revealed herself

-You never caught on but was suspicious

-She gave you trust issues and made you weary of her

-Poor Monaca and her schemes

-Later you figured out the mystery

-It was too late by then

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