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[Requested by YoshiisaurusKokichi

[Y/N's POV]

I woke up to Monokuma's dumb message of a new challenge. Since when had he started- oh yea, he making people become "closer". I just tried to avoid anyone and stay alone so no one would have reason to kill me. I walked out to the kitchen to get cereal and got knocked out.

My vision was very blurry but I grabbed a plusie from nearby and tried to block out a voice. Then I got up in panic to see a pink children's room.

"Hey Hey! Calm down"

I turned around to see Makoto. He looked as if he just woke up himself. A T.V in the corner turned on to see Monokuma.

Phupupu, I see your stuck~! Well can you leave before midnight? When issss that hmmm... lets set a 4 hour timer then! Phupupu timeeeee starts! Now.

The screen turned into a timer and it started ticking. The ticking sounded like a clock in school. Makoto grabbed my shoulder and shook me.

"Ok ok, 4 hours, we should focus on getting out"

"Makoto were stuck! In a f*cking princess room of them all"

"Ok! Let's look around first"

"Fine fine"
I looked in a pile of plushies and found a silver key. I put it in my pocket knowing there were many kids locks it could go to. I saw a old hood next to it that had a note in the front pocket.

Check the barbie box

"Do you have any keys [Y/N]"

"A silver one"

He took the key from my hands and tried a bunch of kid boxes. I saw a barbie one and decided to keep the note to myself.

"None of the boxes open"

"Let's keep the key then"

"Ok, we should look for more items then"
I grabbed the barbie box and put the key in the center with the box. After a hour of looking we found that a plush had something had inside it. We needed to get scissors.

"This is soo hard!"

"I know [Y/N] but maybe we could rip it"

"Theres not even a door"
I leaned on the bookshelf and pushed some books over revealing a hidden box.

I grabbed it to see it was a heart keychain.

"Keychain hm"

"Did you find any notes"

"Oh yea I found one before"

"Why didn't you tell me!"

"I don't know"

Why didn't you Phupu

"Shut up dumb bear"
Makoto read the note and put the key into the barbie box. It opened to reveal another note and key.

"What does the note say"

"About the keychain and a key for it"

"Well lets unlock the keychain"
Makoto opened it to see a heart pencil and my mind got a random idea.

"Makoto I want the pencil"


"Just trust me"

He hesitantly gave me it and I wrote in baby writing to get scissors. I remember seeing a pink room in the dorms yesterday. Toko and I tried ro enter but it required baby writing.

Awwww, sureee~ Here are your scissors

Some safety scissors fell from the ceiling.

"Better then nothing"

"I guess so"
I cut the plush and shaked it to try and get whatever was inside out. I ended up having to go through the fluff to grab a gun.

"A gun!"

"Why do we need a gun"

"Maybe it knocks down a door"

"K lets shoot then"
I pulled the trigger only for water to soak the wall. I went with it and soaked the whole wall making part of it turn purple.

"You wasted the water... uh"

"We revealed a door, I knew this would happen anyway"
I kicked the purple part and it busted down. Only to be crowded by Monokumas. I jumped back and the Monokumas disappeared.

"Did you see that?"

"Yea, cardboard?"

"Oh, no wonder they disappeared fast"
Me and Makoto just left to our dorms. But maybe I could have a new friend.

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