Views on PDA:DrV3 girls

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She sees it as comfort, so be ready for alot of it

If you request them she will give but she has no interest in them until they happen, because its warm

If Atua allows it, then she does it, so expect her to randomly do things or touch you because Atua told her too

It depends on gender, if girl or non-binary she is ok but acts like a tsundere, while with males she is cautious about it but is willing too

She likes to see you if you do it and lead any action to do so, but if these are failed to meet then she gets flustered

Tsundere again, but with death threats, you can tease her by playing along and she holds back from knocking you out

As long as it is head pats she ok with it, or a reason for why like anxiety, panic attack or sights you dislike to see

Just any form of cuddles work, or whatever the characters like

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