Sayaka Maizono oneshot:Yandere

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Trigger warnings-
Mentions of stalking


It all started when you saw her on T.V.

You bought tickets to one of concrets out of curiosity about her. She seemed to be a popular pop-star. You somehow got backstage seats dispite them not being for sale. But you went anyway and it was ok, you might go again. But you forgot about the backstage part of your ticket and decide to try it out. Going backstage there seems to be no guards around for some reason but they were probably backstage until...


"Ahh! Hey who are you?"

"Oh I'm the one and only Sayaka Maizono, the ultimate pop sensation!" She seemed to be cheery about my arrival.

"Ok, I am Y/N, a fan of yours. How did I get a backstage ticket?"

"Oh, ummmmm, I guess one slipped in the system, they were for the next concret but welcome backstage!" Sayak then dragged me in her backstage room, which looked like it was coated in gold

"Your room is rich! My brother would love to be here!"

"Really? Welp he should buy a ticket! Maybe he can see two stars then!"

"Huh? Two stars, but you work with a group and tonight you did solo, why only have one other member?"

"Well I was thinking of bringing a fan on-stage!" She looked panicked, did I say something wrong?

"Oh ok, hopefully you pick my brother then. He is like, obsessed with you!"

"I don't think I will but ok, I'll consider him, what does he look like?"

"He has [color] hair with some [neon] highlights and red eyes."

"How does he have red eyes?"

"He has bad eyesight and needed glasses but he wants to be a firefighter, so he wants to look cool."

"But red eyes are overused, he should chose pink or black eyes, they are more rare choices."

"No he needs glasses, I'm pretty sure his contacts are ripped and you can see the lime leak."

"Well he can get new contacts or keep his, it is his choice you know?"

"I guess, but I worry for him. If he wants to he can't." I started feeling concerned for him, as if he would get hit in the head soon. But the lights won't fail, I'm just anxious

"Hey are you ok? Your zoning out!"

"Oh sorry, I should get going now-"

"No no no! I have plenty of time before my next concret! Let's have a drink ok?"

"Um, ok?" She handed me a weird drink, almost looked like it was home-made. I drank it anyways

"So how excited are you to go home?"

"Uh, I-I need a glass of water please, that liquid is spicy heh-[coughing]"

"Oh here, my bad I accidentally grabbed my wine." Ah, That would explain it, I am bad with handling alcohol anyway. But the water tasted funny, and I started to feel pain in my chest

"Say-ya, It hurts, cal-

"I know dear, but it will end soon, just go to sleep ok?" I wasn't able to stand at that point and passed out.

[Hours later]

I woke up in what looked like a bedroom, all I could feel was the blankets under me. I heard something above me like music, but only Sayaka played this music. And I released I was kidnapped. The door opened and closed, I could barely see a bodygaurd there. Then there was running.

"Oh no, I've been caught, I need to get me and dear out soon because cops come."


"Oh you're up early, well I guess you would wake up from the alcohol, and I should have added more then, oh well hello dear!" She was covered in blood, but why

"I have to apologize about your brother's death, the lights fell, and I'm sure its your brother as he had [color] hair and [neon] highlights. I loved watching his eyes fill with terror heheheh!" My brother... why did she kill him? I was shaking in fear from imaging him die, we had such good days together.

"I already knew you were a light drinker from that night with [name], where they challenged you to the drinking contest, oh I'm rambling, c'mon!" I thought that the bar night was private, as we didn't want our parents to know, was she-?

"Huh, jeez your so heavyyyyyy, I guess I could just knock you out, sorry!" Everything went black again, and I couldn't remember much but fuzzy woods.


Waking up seemed impossible, so I slept in more. All I could see was my brother on stage, singing with his idol before his death. His stupid belief in [god]. And how he could stay up for a whole night on coffee. But I stopped thinking when she walked in.

"You're awake again, be careful I have to change the bandages, but otherwise we're safe and hidden for a while. You seem to be stressed, But your brothers death would depress you so lets cuddle!" She got in bed and cuddled with me, and I was trapped with her since.

[Over] This is pretty detailed on your brother but he is a key part in it, especially how she controlled you. I would also want to say the alcohol wasn't drugged if anyone is confused.

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