Kyoko X Male!Reader

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Requested by YoshiisaurusKokichi

[Uses future fountain but I'll keep spoikers short

[Kyoko's POV]

I heard we would have a new assistant coming and prepared for them to come. I knew Makoto wanted me to check a case about the last mass murderer. Apparently said murderer had escaped from a prison and starting killing again. A person knocked on my door and I closed the files to see Makoto.

"Hey the new assistant is here"


"You now have a assistant by the way"

"They are assigned to me?"

"Yea, you work alot and handle alot of cases, maybe he will help you organize"


"Yes, it's a guy"
I was slightly shocked to hear it but walked as me and Makoto made some small talk. I saw Ryota talking to a average looking guy.

[Y/N's POV]

I was talking to Ryota and saw Makoto and a hot chick coming up to me.

"Sorry Ryota, look at her~"

"Kyoko? Is she that fine?"

"Yea, anyway I should say hi to her"

"Ok, I think your her new assistant"

"I'm glad then"
I waved bye to Ryota and Makoto and Kyoko finally came up to me.

"Ok Kyoko, this is [Y/N], he is your new assistant"

"Hello [Y/N]"

"Hello Kyoko"
We shaked hands and Makoto walked off, presumably to his office for work. Kyoko lead me to her office and grabbed a file on her desk.

"Can you place this in my top cabinet. Don't look in the file"
I grabbed the file and looked around to see the cabinets she was talking about. I placed the file away and got bored.

"Now I guess get coffee for us both, I don't have much else to do"

"We could play cards"

"I would prefer not too"

"Well are you a detective?"

"Can you get the coffees?"
I went out the office and found a ground map nearby to where everything was. I walked to the lounge to grab coffee and saw a line. Guess I'll be waiting.

[Kyoko's POV]

As soon as he left I let the blush cover my face. I knew there was a line for coffee so I could work for a bit. I didn't want to work with people today. I grabbed a small case and couldn't focus. Only thinking of [Y/N]. His hair and face were just... not cute but hot.

My mind was clouded until another knock distracted me. [Y/N] walked in with two coffees and a card game.

"Though you might be bored later"

I took one coffee and drank it, tasting carmel and sugar.

"What is this coffee?"

"Its a way my mum made it, everyone likes it, never met someone who doesn't"

"Oh, well I love it"

I drank it again and felt re-energized from it more normal coffee. [Y/N] layed cards down and we played cards for a bit.

[After cards]

[Y/N] grabbed the cards and shuffled them before putting them away.

"Any plans or work?"

"Not today"
I lied about the new file and he just got out his phone, playing some mobile app. I walked out to my small dorm room. Makoto saw me but I walked past. My mind was still flustered about [Y/N].

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