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[This are the ideas you guys have made, this doesn't mean it's closed

[First idea by Inqxxs_
Also contains Yanderes, Murder, Knifes, Blood

[Kyoko's POV]

I was walking down the hallways watching out for Kiyotaka to make sure I wasn't caught with a knife again. I made sure to look down every so often to remember the time I was supposed to meet Sayaka.

When it came time I went up the stairs and let my vision turn red bit by bit as my steps got slower and slower. I saw one person near the edge and found it perfect for what I was going to do.

I stabbee her in the heart and took off my jacket and put it over her head then threw her down. I changed into my spare gloves and hid the knife in a hidden pocket of mine. I ran down and to a small park area.

When I got home I made sure to double check mentally that I was clear and went to my dad and saw he was giggling again.

"What is it dad"

"Mom got angry at me and I am making a special meal"
I just nodded and knew he was probably burning it a bit. I remember I never saw her alot due to my dad locking her up. I smiled knowing I was one person closer to Makoto.

[Second Idea by YoshiisaurusKokichi

[Junko's POV]

I made sure Yuki was following me and ran in the same direction, peeking behind me once a while and when Yuki were slow I would remind Yuki about that and they would speed up. When I got to where I was going I saw [Y/N] and jumped in excitement while Yuki was a bit shook.

"Are we here for them?"

"Yup! My two loves are you and mx.[L/N]. Anyway we're going on a date on matter what either of you say"

"Ok then"
I left Yuki temporarily and ran to grab [Y/N]. I made sure to drag them into one place and looked around to make sure Kokichi wouldn't ruin it. Not yet anyway. Yes, my despair is soo bad I would bring Yuki's enemy to ruin my-our date.

Peeking again I saw them chatting and my excitement reached high levels dreaming about what would happen.

[Yuki's POV]

I stared at Junko and her antics and felt bad for [Y/N]. I couldn't imagine having to go on a date with her. I felt a bad gut feeling and looked to see that purple rat.

He threw a bunch of water ballons at us and I screamed in shock while Junko looked like she was going to burst from euphoria. [Y/N] just stared and seemed unfazed. I looked down to see my pockets got covered and checked my wallet. I took some breaths and calmed down seeing my babysitting money soaked.

"Ah, sorry losers!"

"Hey not my Ai's!"
I saw Junko look more angry and covered the suspicious feeling with maybe she was happy to be on a date.

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