Kirumi Tojo Oneshot:Yandere

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Trigger warnings-
Broken leg[Visible bone]

Kirumi's POV-
After the 6th trial everyone was exhausted, while Keade was moping from losing Shuichi. I understand he was trying to end the games but killing Tsumugi wasn't a good way. I went up to my darling to help her with their chores.

"Hello Kirumi"

"Hello [L/N]-san]" I added a bow to be polite

"You don't have to call me that Ruki!"


"Oh it's a nickname for you, I made one for everyone, like Ke-dad, because she can act like a dad!" It took me a while to realized she meant Keade. It was pretty clever to nickname her that.

"What are the others?"

"Oh well there is Kii-bi, Katoe and Roman Ryman"

"Why is Ryoma's Roman?"

"He likes Shakespeare's poems and once tried to play tennis with him, wasn't Shakespeare roman?" I didn't know the answer to that so I just grabbed the laundry and left. After cleaning them I left a love note in the pile. I hoped they would see it.

[Time Skip]

I walked onto the cafeteria to see [Y/N] and Ryoma together?

"So your dating now?!"

"No Keade, he just confessed to me by a love letter!"

"Your lucky your lover is alive [Y/N]"

"Keade don't be sad about it, Shuichi wanted the best..."

"Yea, yea, just leave please..." After [Y/N] left I went to Keade.

"Hey I heard what happened"

[Your POV + Time rewind]

I looked through my laundry to find some gloves for Ruki when I saw a pink letter. It read:
Dear [Y/N] [L/N],
I hope this gets to you in a safe way but it will probably be in a cool way, I hope. This isn't a murder confession because I already have murdered for you once. I really love you since we first hung out together.

Why was hung out underlined? I started thinking of who I've hung out with most and, last time I did was with Ryoma. So he could have sneaked it in my basket when Kirumi didn't look. I went to talk to him about it.

"Looking for me?"

"Oh, hi Ryman!"

"Did you get the letter?"

"Did you get the letter I sent?" By now I knew it was him.

"Yea! All I can say is I accept!" At my words he looked surprises then seem weirded out.

"To that?! Are you sure you got the right letter?"

"Yup!" I picked him up and he went with it, but it felt like he was tense. I put him down and went to blah to Keade about my new lover.

[Time skip to after the conversation]

I saw Ryoma talking to Kiibo and Katio about our relationship. I decided to leave the boys alone and left to my dorm to rest. I used all my energy in the trial and it was nearing midnight. My last thoughts were did Kiibo sleep?

I woke up in pain randomly at night. My leg hurt bad and I saw I was on the floor. I looked down to see blood coming from it and screamed. Everyone but Ryoma came to check on me.

"Oh my stars, it that a bone?"

"Hey hey, its ok, Katio is just being Kokichi ok!"

"I waš nøt!"

"Wë shoūld foćuş on healing them guýs!" My hearing was getting worst and worst and I felt bandage on my leg, the voices drowned out and I passed out.

I woke up again to the sound of Monokuma, but I couldn't get up. I saw pills on the side of my bed and ate them hoping it would stop the pain. Keade opened my door nervously.

"Ahh, I see the body discovery announcement woke you up?" I didn't want to talk much.

"Ok, but uhh, we found Ryoma dead and more bone, can I look at your leg quick to see if it is yours?" I nodded my head and let her unwrap it.

"Okk... So someone broke and cut your bone off? That's cruel, well I should hurry before you lose to much blood, Everyone else will visit before the trial ok?" Keade then left my door open for others, while I was processing the information.

[Time skip over Saimatsu]

Kiibo walked in.

"Hey [Y/N], I just wanted to show you what we have found and who we think the culprit is, I heard you can't talk yet so don't respond if you don't want to. A shred of Katio's jacket was on the weapon and one of Kirumi's gloves was there. But Kirumi has a alibi so Katio is our leading suspect"

I had a feeling it was not Katio, but I couldn't voice it because of Kiibo shushing me.

"Ryoma also was going to visit Katio, uh be careful around him, ok? Scream if he does anything please" Kiibo left and almost closed the door on his way.

[Sorry for the unfinished oneshot but I have no reason to continue it so use your imagination for the ending, but Kirumi was the culprit

[I was also going to use the underlined words as a reference to a first death or something done by Kirumi, and Ryoma's nickname is dumb


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