Views on PDA:Dr2 girls

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She likes to know your near and thats all, is neutral about PDA unless shes working, where she prefers to not be touched, doesn't like cuddles

Is very touchy on when and when not to use PDA in the day, at night she will only cuddle if you have a nightmare, but when she has one she stays distant

Depends on her mood fir the day and level, if its a concert day, she prefers little love to focus, but on lazy days will go all out with it

Is distant sometimes but doesn't mind it, she often trys to embarrass you or "hugs" you but really plays with your chest or rubs your area, just to tease you

Is very shy when it comes to PDA, but likes to do it often, when you don't she is scared to tell you or ask for it

She is very touchy, but likes to limit it when she brawls to help focus, never does anything your not ok with tho

Sonia is very independent on this, and dislikes it often, but once a while she craves attention, she somehows gets a tsundere act about it

She has one of the more normal lives so she is average and has no option on likes or dislikes with PDA

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