If they are the culprit:Dr1 boys

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-The only they knew is from Celeste's screaming

-Leon was going to use tape but he forgot it

-She screamed Hifumi's name though

-So he was voted

-But he was acting like her butler because he made good milk tea

-So Leon almost got away with it

-But he wanted you to live

-So he confessed before the executions

-Makoto asked why Monokuma didn't reveal they were wrong

-Despear excuses his ass

-Kyoko asked for a second investigation but he didn't allow it

-So Leon last minute switched with you

-You were left with the outside world and became the ultimate hope

-Leon was a simp from his grave


-He was making a deal with him to kill Toko

-But Toko heard so she was knocked out quick

-Byakuya was going to rat on Mondo and he couldn't have that

-He had to kill Byakuya and frame Toko

-He cut up his body and placed Toko near by the library

-It made her look like she cut him on accident

-But Kiyotaka has proof of Mondo being there

-He kept it a secret from everyone but you

-So you told him to just tell everyone the evidence and he said he wouldn't

-Mondo almost won accept for when you interpreted

-Kyoko backed you up so everyone agreed

-Mondo fought until his death that he was innocent

-After his death Kiyotaka hated you

-But Mondo knew he would spill it before the vote as well

-Kiyotaka tried to kill later but Mondo stopped him

-"Hey, it was for the best bro... try and be friends for me"


-Mondo was being a rogue guy like normal

-But he teased Kiyotaka about his crush[you]

-Mondo threatened to kill you as a joke

-But Kiyotaka went protective of you

-Then their friendship broke apart

-Mondo was mad and went to fight Kiyotaka about it

-But Kiyotaka was one step ahead and killed him

-It was a weird trial

-Byakuya messed with the body and moved it

-So it was impossible to know where it was before

-Kiyotaka could have gotten away with it

-But his anxiety got in the way

-You noticed and asked why he was nervous

-Kyoko caught on and blamed him

-Byakuya wanted drama and joined in

-They voted him on a unfair bias

-When they found out they were right they were shocked

-You kept asking why, and even cried

-"I did it for you, mi amor"


-He was just reading manga with him

-But a trap was on the bottom of the stairs

-So the mastermind pushed him down

-Makoto couldn't save Hifumi and called for help

-You were the only one who believed him

-Soon people started to believe him

-Until Monokuma had to ruin it

-He made a fake motive to frame Makoto

-When the trial came he ws doomed

-The voting was jacked but most votes landed on him

-You voted yourself

-Makoto gave you his hoodie and cried until his execution

-Sadest class trial ever


-Toko was jealous of you and Byakuya

-So she stalked you and planned to kill you

-Byakuya was in a bad mood and saw Toko

-He had no problem smacking her

-He of course threatened to kill her

-Toko didn't stop

-You were in a agrument and you ran because you can't handle fights

-Byakuya came from behind and stabbed her

-Hifumi saw that the knife used was burned

-Makoto found out about your agrument

-So the blame shifted to you

-Byakuya was oddly defensive

Bad ending-
-Everyone voted for you without hesitation

-Byakuya just stopped existing at that

-He told everyone the truth

-So during your execution, he took your place

-You were left with Monokuma and the mastermind

Good ending-
-Byakuya stopped everyone before they voted

-He left a clue that made you innocent

-Kyoko solved it and blamed Yasuhiro

-Byakuya again left another clue

-It was him

-You were devastated at the news

-"Don't cry, I will be honest from now on-ish"

Yasuhiro-[Spoilers for chp 4]

-The bottle part cut her and caused her head to bleed

-Toko fainted at the sight

-Yasuhiro tried to frame Toko and almost got away with it

-Byakuya had told everyone Toko was with him

-Yasuhiro yelled at him for lying and got caught

-Everyone was shocked at the news

-You and Aoi were crying

-Aoi admitted what she was going to do

-Everyone forgave them both and Yasuhiro got executed

-This made everyone rebel and fought Monokuma

-It ended in bloodshed

-Makoto survived because of his luck

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