Moving in w/ them:DrV3

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-He has a sailer based room

-You can change it a bit

-But he splits chores

-You also are the main cook for experience

-He refuses to have raman, because it's cheap

-Disney isn't his favorite, but he has alot of disney movies

-Nexflix and Hulu can be gotten, but disney plus is already gotten

-He has pride flags in his dorm because he can

-He is good at making pizza

-Has a boat license

-You sleep in, so he wakes you up

-Don't have alarms, he hates them

-A startbucks is nearby, and a boba shop

-His dorm is messy

-But he can cook, with a stool

-Most of his dorm is too tall for him

-You share a bed because cuddles

-He loves your hoodies but gets embarrassed when you see him wear them

-He loves Nexflix movies

-If you can bake him brownies, mainly for you to eat

-He loves going to skate parks to watch people

-And lakes for ducks

-You offer to do most of the chores, but he may still want to help

-His morning voice is like Corpse's

-He is big on history

-You wont run out of documentarys

-But he sucks at cooking

-If you can make currys he does anything you want

-Salt and rituals are every sunday, get used to him being upset he failed

-He loves cuddles, only pass 8 pm though

-Loves pbj's, if you don't know what those are... umm...

-Lets you wear his hat

-Doesn't dislike disney, but does not like it

-Hates any talk of dr*gs and s*x in his dorm, but it's ok outside of his dorm

-Understands periods, idk how

-Can braid hair, and is best at vanilla braids

-Has candles, mainly lavender ones

-Has pride flags in his dorm, even ones like lesbian and demiromantic, he likes the colors

-Has painted and liked it

-He has two rooms

-A bug room and dorm room

-His dorm room has bugs too

-Mainly ones in containers

-But they are well behaved

-He has a small bed that didn't fit, so you can use it

-His closet is bigger than most as well

-And his dorm

-But he has alot of room for you

-He can let you help care for his bugs

-He loves disney, and payed to have a subscription for it

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