Executions/Motive Videos

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[I'm only doing ones we don't see in games and may hold spoilers

She would be on a platform that has a stage all around it, and would see Makoto and Kyoko as the judges. She has to sing to impress them but they seem to hate her singing. Soon they both press buttons that make trapdoors drop limbs on her. The limbs are her band's and in a attempt to run away she trips. Saws come up and cut her up.

Motive Video:
He sees his family and Kanon head hostage in a volcano. Monokuma gives him a week to kill before they are dropped. And they are not fed or given new clothes.

He is placed in a chair and chained to it. He is then forced to hack one of the school computers. If he doesn't in 30 minutes he will get crushed by a bigger computer. Chihiro insteads hacks files he wasn't supposed too. So he is then crushed.

Motive Video:
A pet of his that helped him when he was bullied is put down but the only way to know if it's just knocked out or not is to kill.

Motive Video:
His brother and gang are arrested and it's left unknown if they escape or not.

He sees some girls from a French-based anime come up to him. They are also part weeb and otaku. He gets lured to a anime themed guillotine. All the other anime girls block his path away and Princess Piggles kills him.

Motive Video:
Monokuma plush and Princess Piggles plush get burned. And it lifts up to slowly reveal a house fire implying it's his mom's house.

He is sat down with his family at a award celebration. His grandfather walks on stage and takes a genius badge. Then it blacks out and he is up on stage. In the crowd is a copy of him. The award is no longer a metal but a knife. The awarder then stabs him.

Motive Video:
His family is left in a unknown state and a person he liked in school is shown. It's a crush of his from middle school. The person is crushed but the screen turns black before they die.

Motive Video:
Her cat is put in a crate and driven somewhere. It shows it at a vampire infested castle, but the vampires suck her cat[the blood]. She is left unknown if the cat is ok.

She is forced to fight in a martial arts area. Tenko then shows up and almost beats her with Neo-Akido. Her boyfriend is watching from the stands and seems disappointed. Tenko then beats her up until she dies. Aoi is heard crying at the end.

Motive Video:
The hospital her boyfriend is at gets raided. Then it cuts to a old picture of her and Aoi meeting him, but they never had. The whole time really creepy music plays and the body announcement plays at the end.

He is in a obstacle course with many luck based parts. He survives until the last part is a skill-based puzzle. The opponent beats him and he falls into the execution he see him get.

He is trapped in a trash bin and throw around by kids. Many essays, homework assignments and math problems fall down with F's on them. He then hears he siblings fight and is forced to join. He gets all the way to the last one he beat but they prove their better then him. He is then exiled into a bitter winter new york street. He is left to freeze in a old hoodie and jeans.

Motive Video:
His mum is held hostage to announce the business is fine, but she uses some code words that it's been infuriated. The stocks fall and his mum is the only person left. Posters are put up to kill any Togami's left alive.

He is presented with 3 hallways. Each hallway has three doors. Each door has three keys in a locked box. The box closes after a key is picked up. The doors lock after you enter the room. Zombies and Aliens chase him down and he finds the right hallway, room and key. But the key was made for a door in the other room. He is left in the hallway system to die.

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