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[Requested by Ducksare_prettycool

[This oneshot does have paranoia and a form of imsommia

[Y/N's POV]

I woke up to the footsteps in the hallways and sat up. I took a peek and knew from the sound it was Fuyuhiko, he would be mad when we saw I was up at 1 a.m. in the morning.

Fuyuhiko came in and he just gave a small sigh before changing clothes quicky. I closed the door behind him and went back in bed, readjusting the blankets.

"Why are you up?"

"Stressful day"

"I get that, but you need sleep, you didn't sleep last night"

"I know Fuyu, but what if someone was in the hallway?"

"No one was, I was up getting breakfast last night"

"So thats who I heard?"
He looked away for a bit as if he was slightly guilty. I always tried to remember that he loved snacks at midnight. I just put my pillow over my head and kept telling myself it was ok.

"Calm down calm down, i'm here"
He grabbed my hand and rubbed it a bit.

"Just get some sleep tonight"
I put the pillow under my head and layed down, letting him lay next to me.

I fell asleep soon and let the night pass, waking up late in the morning. I peaked over my back at usual and got out of bed, changing into a new shirt.

I left the bedroom and sat on the couch checkiny nofications when I felt Fuyuhiko sit next to me.

"Morning babe, how did you sleep"

"Fine, just woke up"

"Glad you sleep in, I got some cereal for you"

"Oh, thanks"
I got up and turned off my phone to see the cereal was getting soggy. I went in the kitchen and got another bowl. I just made a bowl of non-soggy cereal and put a spoon in.

"Hey babe, I need something"

"What is it?"

"Peko is going to leave for a while. Can you help her pack?"

"I guess"
I left the new bowl behind as well and just gave up on having breakfest. I went to Peko's room and saw her folding some clothes for what I asummed was a small trip.

"Hey Peko"

"Fuyuhiko sent you?"


"I don't need help packing"

I went to our room for a while and layed down, checking my youtube nofications. I scrolled past all of the similar titles and  put them all on my watch later list. I heaed some noise come from the kitchen. I just recognized it as Peko leaving and I felt a bit jealous at Fuyuhiko saying bye to someone else.

[At dinner]

I walked out to make some ramen and Fuyuhiko came out with a barbie movie.

"Hey Fuyu, want some ramen?"

"Sure. But get the spicy chicken one"

"Will do"
I went into the cabinet and pushed the mac and cheese aside to grab spicy ramen for him. I then put mine in and left it to cook while prepping Fuyuhiko's.

"Hey how long will Peko be gone?"

"A few days"

"Thats good, we don't get along well"

"Maybe I can make you get along. I want you to"

"Your friends with her, of course you would"
He gave a small chuckle and put the movie in, looking back with a inpatient face.

"Wait Fuyu, I have to make the ramen"

"Right right, I'll pause it for you"
He paused the start of the movie and we had a good night. I ended up falling asleep on him.

[I know rushed ending but good start]

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