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[Is platonic and requested by YoshiisaurusKokichi

[Kokichi's POV]

I was bored after pranking Kiiboy again and set out to find [Y/N], maybe he wouldn't mind pranking Kaito, but I didn't want to piss off Maki. I bumped into someone and saw it was Ryoma.

"Heyyy! Ryoma, do you know where-"

"[Y/N] and I finished playing tennis, he could be in the building"
Ryoma walked off and I was stunned he knew where he was. I skipped over to the gym and saw it was empty. I looked around the whole building and  double checked everywhere, only to find him nowhere. I then remembered our hiding holes for when we wanted privacy and ran to the closest one.


"Hey! Glad you found me Kichi!"

"Ohhhh, don't you have a loverrr~"

"Never ever, ewww!"
We joked a bit more until he dropped his phone and I picked it up, seeing some Dream fanfiction before it was snatched out of my hand.

"Don't look at that!"

"Dream simp! Dream simp!"

"I just like watching Dream! Shut up!!"

"Wanna go somewhere bigger?"

"Who's dorm?"

I grabbed [Y/N]'s wrist and dragged him behind me to my dorm.

[Y/N's POV]

I just chilled while Kichi dragged me, but made it look like he was. At his dorm I turned on my phone and switched to a Sapnap fluff so he wouldn't know I was reading Dream.

"Are you bored again?"

"I was hoping we could prank Kaito"

"I have something for you"


I handed him my phone and he read it  fast before making a gaging noise.

"I now have black hair? Who's Sapnal anyway? I only watch Skeppy and Badboyhalo"

"I could pull that up too"

"Do it! Do it!"
I looked up Skephalo fanfiction and handed the phone over again, watching him just read it like a hawk. He spend about half a hour on my phone and I was starting to get impatient.

"Can I have my phone back?"

"Hmm, if you help me make a account"

"Nono, your addicted to wattpad now"

"Hehehe, maybe I am!"

"Fine, wheres your phone"

"Hmmm, lost"
I sighed and started to look while eyeing Kichi once a while to find him still reading. I didn't mind much but couldn't find his phone at all.

"Heyy! Ok, here is my phone"

"It was in your pocket?"

"Yup, I just wanted more time!"

I took his phone and downloaded wattpad, then made a quick account and threw it back.

"Read on your own phone"

"Awwww! I couldn't make my own account!"

"You probably still can"
His crocodile tears stopped and he looked and somehow got on a new 'make account' screen. I watched him make one and then I left his dorm, returning to a hiding place to continue to read my own.

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