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[Requested by Ducksare_prettycool

[Non-despair AU

[Y/N's POV]

I woke up and moved over to Fuyuhiko's side only to see him gone. Confused, I sat up and saw he wasn't around at all. I heard footsteps but didn't really care, just missing his warmth.

"Hey are you up already?"

"Mmm, I guess"
I turned to see Peko, who looked like she just had a shower.

"Is Fuyuhiko coming back?"

"He is back. We had to pick-up breakfast..."

"I know he's in the mafia"

"In that case, we had a mission, and breakfast"

"Thanks for context"
I layed down for a while and soon got up to change into something better then my sleepwear. I changed onto a random outfit and made sure I wasn't too messy looking. I saw Fuyuhiko's tie and just got distracted by the shiny parts of it.

"Hey are you coming? I got pancakes just for you!"

"Oh hey Fuyu, are they [food]-flavored?"

"Don't call me Fuyu! And yes idiot"
I dropped the tie and went to hug Fuyuhiko after not seeing him this morning. He didn't hug back but must have been tired.


"I was up all night"

"Oh, I can come back after breakfast?"

"Yea, I'll be there quickly"

"K bae"
I closed the door and headed to the kitchen only to see Peko eating pancakes.

"Hey Peko"

"Hello [Y/n]"

"Nice Pancakes!"

"Fuyuhiko will be here in a bit"

"I guessed so, it was a long mission"
I ate my pancakes and held a awkward conversation while waiting for him to come back out. At some point he did and but the atmosphere didn't change. I threw my food out early due to it.

"I'll be in our room Fuyu"

I saw Peko glare at me and rushed to the back door and I looked at the scenery for a while. I knew Fuyuhiko would want to sleep when he was done with breakfast.

[Skip a bit later]

I got out of bed hearing my phone go off and saw Peko was calling. I put the blankets back on Fuyuhiko and took the call.

"Hey Peko, what do you need?"

"Is Fuyuhiko ok?"

"Yes, just sleeping"

"Sorry, I'm also getting groceries"

I hung up on her knowing she could be protective of him. I never minded it due to them being childhood friends. But recently she has been on his side whenever she can.

I checked the kitchen and saw we had all the basic stuff. But not small things. I then just made a sandwich.
While waiting I hear the bedroom door open and Fuyuhiko come out.

"There you are"

"Yea I'm here"

"I woke up to you gone"

"Sorry I was eating my sandwich"

"Can you make me one?"

I finished mine and made another quicky for Fuyuhiko then put on a movie for the day.

[This oneshot ended dry, oof

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