Kokichi OmaX Reader[Spoilers]

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Warning! This oneshot contains spoilers for V3 ending.

Also Fem Reader

Also Angst at the end, sorry

[Y'N's POV]

I walked into school and saw the usual fight between Shuichi and Kaito. More like Kaito punching Shuichi but whatever. I just chuckled and watched waiting for my best friend. I knew he would take the back ways and be late again to avoid Kaito and Keade. Rantaro walked by and glared at me.

"Ugh, its her again, c'mon Keade"

"Who you ya mean by, 'her'"

"I mean you, sado b*t*h"

"Shut up you rodent a**hole"

"Hey leave my boyfriend alone"
Keade got in my way and I punched her in the groin. Making more noise then the Shuito fight.

"Fight, Fight, Fight!"
People started to cheer us on and I just went for her throat, with no regret.

[Kokichi's POV]

I cautiously ran to school and heard a fight. But it wasn't Kaito because he was watching. Then I saw [Y/N] beating Keade to a pump. The two girls didn't stop until Shuichi tried to mangle. They just scoffed and backed off. I rolled up some paper and threw it at [Y/N], needing to talk to her quick.

[Y'N's POV]

Some paper hit my head and I glared at Rantaro again, then ran off to get Kichi before he ran off scared. Surprisingly I saw him at the gates.

"Yea Kichi?"

"Why did you fight!"
He began to cry in my arms as I just hugged him back.

"My anger issues, you idiot"

"You should stop before Kaito targets you"

"Stop being so anxious Kichi, I can beat his a**"


"What? Ya callin me weak?"
I saw him flinch at my voice and I tryed to calm down. In a failed attempt to not punch him I punched the wall. My knuckles were bleeding heavily now.

"Y-Your hands!"

"I'm fine"

"O-Ok, anyway I also have news"

"What news"

"I'm joining the next game"

"Next game?"

"The Danganronpa show, with killing and stuff"
I recognized the name and panicked, not wanting to lose him to that foul game.

"Nope, sorry but some dreams aren't real Kichi"

"It's not for me"

"Then It's for...?"

"My c-crush, to impress her"
My heart broke a bit but something in me told me to stop him.

"Well she would never like you back"

"She wouldn't?"

"Nope, give up on your crush, please"
I was thinking this was the best for him, besides I don't like him, it's a delusion I made to cloud Shuichi's teasing and all right? In my thinking I saw Kichi leave crying, then I felt as if I messed up. I knew I couldn't lose him to that game, so why not fill all the rolls.

[After putting posters up and stuff]

When the lunch bell rang I stomped up on one of the tables and yelled to shut everyone up.

"Listen now you donkeys! I have a challenge no one will beat, you all vs me in the upcoming Danganronpa games! Whoever wins becomes the strongest person and leader of the whole school!"
I then walked out with a smug look and skipped the rest of the school day. I hoped all spots would fill before I have to sign up. I knew Rantaro, Keade and Kaito will join, Ryoma has always been competitive and Maki is too sweet to leave her Kai-boo behind.

[Kokichi's POV, before]

Listening to [Y/N] made me feel bad about my crush. Especially sense ot was her. I couldn't haddle it and ran away. I ended up rethinking my choice over and over. Soon I had a panic attack over it. Then I saw Korekiyo walking to school.

"Are you ok Oma?"


"Hey hey, what happened"

"Re-Re, crush"
I could barely shutter anything and just sobbed more. I heard his footsteps go away and just snuck to the D.I.C.E base for the day.

[Y/N's POV, present time]

I saw the building where students were lined up and figured to check the place for people. I saw many people in line and 14 students already chosen. I wasn't sure but my gut told me to get in line. After the wait I was called in the interview.

"Who do you charish the most?"


"Do you have any personally disorders?"

"Anger issues"

"Ok, do you value life"


"Why did you want to join?"

"Um, to save a friend and maybe crush, won't say"

"What talent would you have?"
It took awhile to think of one but then one came into my head.

"Ultimate [Y/T]"

"Please wait on the red benches"
I walked out and did as told, seeing my classmates there. Many left before, so was this further interviewing?

"Ok! We have picked our 15 students, thank you for coming"

The people in line left and then I realized I got in, passed the interview, failed to stay with Kichi. Bodyguards came to escort us somewhere. In a panic I made a break for it but got caught before I got anyway. Kaito started laughing and I could feel the fear drown me.

[Kokichi's POV]

The building closed and I starting walking away in relief. I couldn't wait to see [Y/N] again and tell her I chose to stay. Plus people like Kaito would go and probably get in.

[Week later]

I haven't gotten texts back from [Y/N] yet and the school felt empty, I was scared she was just ghosting me but that would be far even for her. I turned on the T.V. to try and calm down and saw the first episode was on for Danganronpa. I recognized Shuichi and so-so. But they acted so different. Like opposite people took their bodies.

Shuichi-"So who are you"

Keade-"Yea we wanna make new friends!"

Shuichi-"Maybe not that far"

???-"Oh I'm [Y/N], the Ultimate [Y/T]"

My eyes wided as I saw the screen. Her behavior was so different and just- shy. Then I remember all the posters, was she trying to stop me from joining? I teared up and called D.I.C.E sobbing over my lost. I knew shy personal people died in these games no matter what. Or were secret psychopaths. But I lost my friend that day. Like [Y/N] lost Dikunu.

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