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[Requested by YoshiisaurusKokichi

[It is platonic and will use MakiXKaito

[Has small angst and reverse fluff/comfort

[Y/N's POV]

I walked up to Kaito and saw him eyeing Maki again. I knew they were just friends but a part of me saw through his act.

"Why not ask her out big man?"

"Oh! Hey [Y/N]"

"Isn't that your girl with Shuichi?"

"Their just friends [Y/N], don't make it more than it is"

"Uh-huh sureee starboy"

"Ughh, sometimes your much to handle"

"Yea, yea, said you"
I was done teasing him and grabbed some notes he needed from class to hand to him. I saw Maki coming over with the same notes and had to do it.

"Hey where are the notes you had?"

"Sorry I got them wet and the ink sogged"

"You never get notes wet!"

"I mean Maki doesn't"

"Jeez, can you not make me remember her for 10 seconds"

"Remember who?"
Kaito and me jumped at the voice and I turned to see Maki and pushed Kaito around.

"Maki! Uh Hi"

"Hello Kaito, did you need notes"

"I can do without, Kaito need them"

"[Y/n] Thanks Maki"

"Of course"
I left them behind and smirked as I got text from Kaito. I knew he got embarrassed easily, and I was able to embarrass him the most. I wasn't going to check his text until I reviewed the notes at least. Let him have another date, not like he had one last night. Temptation finally got me and I checked.


Hey idiot, wtf

I know you had notes

Hey me and Maki gonna plan a date

Omg dude

Haha, had fun?

Wtf dude

She accept the date

I didn't ask her out for a date


No, stop
Read 12:12

I closed the app and hid my notes in case Kaito came into my room and searched for them. I went on a small walk and waited to see Kaito at the telescope, as he was always there in his freetime. I passed Maki and saw her blushing. Maybe she did like him.

Once at the telescope I found the door locked but knew Kaito must have locked it.

"Kaito! Let me in?"


"Why not?"

"For embarrassing before"

"Well Maki loved you~"

"No she doesn't"

"Oh, can I come in anyway"

"I guess"
I saw the door open and saw how upset Kaito was. I knew Maki was a tsundere but what did she do?

"You ok Kai?"

"I guess"

"Did Maki reject you or something?"

"No, she just walked away after"

"Oh, um, well we can find a new clump of stars!"

I lead up the stairs and let him show me a bunch of constellations. It seemed to cheer him up a bit. I knew Maki was just probably cold.

[After lunch and astronomy]

We started walking to the park and I saw Maki again. But she was with Shuichi. I was thinking about how Kaito was feeling and tried to steer him away. Maybe Maki could apologize or make it up? My mind went on a storm and soon I saw we got to the flowers.

"Busy head [Y/N]?"

"Oh, yeah, was thinking about Maki"

"Oh I'm fine"

"Its not that, just maybe Maki does like you?"

"You're too much of a shipper"

"I know"

"Just be glad I forgive you aight"


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