If you are a Little:Dr1

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[For does who don't know, Littlespace in when someone acts and mentally becomes younger, and is a not a kink, I age dream myself and do not condone saying it is

He would ask about it and try his best to help or take care of you, but may not handle it well if you regress to under 5 years old

He would need time to process it and will do his best, is a good caregiver with time though

He may think of it as childish but can resepct and isn't the best but does his best to help you

He will learn about it from the internet and try his best to be a caregiver for you

He will act like he doesn't care but when you go into littlespace he will treat you kinder and will listen better

He may feel dumb about the subject but will just listen to you and try his best to help

She will be confused until you slip and can help but isn't the best

She is familiar with it somehow and can help but is strict when you are little

She can learn about it but always trys to learn more to help you and asks you about stuff to learn even more

She can learn about it and will help you if needed but will ask other people to help or take care of you

She can learn but prefers to learn from experience and it's good for you both

She is nervous but ignores it untill you slip and then freaks out and will attempt to understand it, but may not handle ot well

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