First dates:DrV3 girls

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-All she said was to meet in the paino room

-When you got there she was there with food

-It was just peanut-butter sandwiches but Kirumi made them

-Then Keade started to teach you a simple piano short

-After a while she gave you a song ti do on your own

-You just got frustrated by it

-So she tought you again

-Soon you suggested to go somewhere else

-She let you pick and tried to be interested

-It ended with you watching movies at the theater

-She cleaned your room

-The whole time you both chatted though

-You joined in after a while

-Their was certain ways to clean according to her

-Once you used her as a stool to get a high place

-You never saw her smile either

-But when she left she couldn't focus on her work

-Then she released it was a date

-She offered to go to her lab

-Then a small agrument happened on who's to go to

-Shuichi and Kokichi came during it

-Kokichi added more to agrue about while Shuichi calmed you guys down

-Then Shuichi told Angie to take turns and left

-You went painting first and Angie painted[Izu-]Atua

-You then painted Kiibo and messed up on his arms

-Angie helped teach you how to paint bodies better

-You went again but with Tsumugi

-Angie called Kiibo and Tsumugi to see

-After you went to your lab

-Angie learned how to [talent] better

-She studdered a bit during it about Atua

-Praying to Atua

-In the garden she got a bunch of people to join

-Kiibo left because you were there

-Kokichi watched and messed everyone up

-Tenko was overprotective of Himeko

-A few confessions occurred

-Angie felt superproud

-She declared you as Atuas sidekick sent down to help her

-Then she left with a kiss

-You just left flustered

-Nethier of you knew what to do

-So she hosted a Neo-Akido event

-After she helped everyone with their emotions she had private lessons for you

-With little time she figured out you were tired and sleepy

-So she offered to nap

-You denied it and continued

-By the end you could defend yourself for a few minutes

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