Mikan Tsumuji oneshot:Tsundere

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[I may be a bit bad at Mikan, I don't know people like her so it's harder to see her reaction

+You are Nekomaru's sibling

+ [C/T] Care taker

1022 words

Trigger warnings-

[Hopes peak-Y/N POV]

I was fighting Akane again because my brother had gotten a bit close to her again. They always flirt at this point to piss me off. I was ok with them dating but they would always push my buttons. Akane was strong though, I would admit that

"So my boyfriend has a boss fight?"

"Yup lassy, welcome to pain town!"

I managed to get a good hit to her but she throw me over her back. She tried to grab me and pin me until Nekomaru came and saw.

"Hey! What are you guys doing?"

"Just playin!"
"Just playin!"

Me and Akane stared at each other in the awkward position we were in. I was glad I wasn't any smaller because I could be swallowed by her *cough*.

Nekomaru broke us apart and sent Akane to the nurses office. I must have left a bruise on her or something serious. My brother started to scold me for being that jealous. Then he praised my skills and offered to train me with her. I just answered and tried to leave.

"Nope, you need to head to the nurses office too"

"Really bro? See I'm fine no bruises" I covered my knee which was scraped but he would freak out anyway.

"What's on your knee?"

"Nothin, Nothin bro"

"Okkkkk, fine I'll believe you this time" He then left but gave me a note to skip class for what I assumed was the nurses office. I went there so I could cover my knee with bandage. I was hoping a nurse wouldn't be there so I could just skip class. I heard Akane looking for me though. I ran to the back of the school and bumped into someone.

"S-Sorry, I didn't mean to be i-in your way"

"No, your fine, I'm just trying to get to the nurses office"

"Oh, I work there for the school!" The girl rambled on while we walked there. Her outfit reminded me of a nurse, or a chef. It was oddly comfortable to be around her and I lost track of time.

Next thing I know I was at the nurses office.

"H-Hey dummy!"

"Oh, sorry ma'am, are you a nurse here?"

"Yea, I guess I can help y-you. Don't mind m-me though" She started to wrap my knee, which I never mentioned. She must be observant of me. She also seemed to be trying to look away from me, it made her seem like a Kawaii girl.

"Heyyy~ cutie... Are you a nurse cause you could be mi amor" I used my cheap spanish to flirt. I heard girls loved that.

"Y-Yea, so what?"

"Do you not like flirting?"

"No! I-I mean I do s-somewhat. But your b-bad at it" I then realized she was a tsundere. Oh the fun I had in my head.

"Oh! A tsun-tsun! My favorite type of girl. Hehe"

"I am not a tsun-tsun"

"Aaaare you sure?" She finished wrapping my knee and left the room blushing. I should see her more often. I had to get her name sometime soon.

[Next day, 3rd person view]

[Y/N] ran around the school purposely  by the rocky area to trip and see the nurse again. She knew Nekomaru and Akane shared a class with her and were maybe friends. Their thoughts were stopped by tripping face-foward into the lake. The fish nearby swam away as [Y/N] called their brother to get her.

He of course gave them a scolding but took them to the nurses office. More then one nurse was working which lowered her chances. Then the main nurse told her the student was in class. This immediately bummed [Y/N] out and they skipped class trying to trip again. They couldn't call Nekomaru or else he would be suspicious of them.


[Y/N] made it their goal to see the nurse again. Hajime was a fellow classmate that hung out with her classmates. Hajime said Chiaki was busy that day at home though. By their luck her brother was sick.

Nasumi was another sibling of a ultimate, but they didn't want to have to deal with her attitude. Nasumi and Fuyuhiko were on vacation recently anyway and were getting used to the cold again. [Y/N] wished they could be in Hawaii sometime. Too bad their [C/T] was poor.

Nekomaru was training with Akane again for some reason. He had ditched their plans to go get coffee and tea but [Y/N] was busy as well. Call them a stalker but it was pure love for a Tsun-nurse

They finally gave up and sat near a cat cafe. The cats were napping so no one was allowed in, making them sad. Cats were a big comfort for them when people were busy. The dog shelter was closed due to a illness spreading in there. No one stopped to go in so they left to a coffee cafe.

But they saw her in there and rushed in. All the ordered was a icecream latte, due to their excitment. After picking it up [Y/N] sat next to the girl. She noticed and blushed, looking away.

"So there mi amor is!"

"I-I'm not a amor"

"Really? Do you know what it means?"

"Nope, nor do I care"

"Can I get a name at least?"

The purple-haired girl then grabbed a napkin and wrote on it. On the napkin was the following:

From "Tu Amor"
Or Mikan

[Y/N] gasped in excitement and left to tell Nekomaru about it immediately. While Mikan watched from the window. She wished she could confess but was too shy too. Maybe it was due to her trama or fear of being rejected.
Mikan was just proud she got her number out

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