First dates:DrV3 boys

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-The date was pretty wholesome

-He chose a park and wanted to share facts about his journeys

-After you shared facts about [topic]

-He somehow had a adventure for each fact and admitted he once almost died from it

-A kid saw you too and thought yiu were parents waiting for one of his friends

-The kid came up to you and his black hair bobbed with it

-They asked who your kid was

-Both of you laughed but neither of you denied it

-So the rest if the date was meeting fellow kids

-You thought one of them looked like Rantaro and you pointed it out

-The kid ran to get them and they introduced themselves

-Makoto and Izuru ran off thinking they were spys

-So you both went home feeling like parents

-It was tennis match at first

-But you saw him being uncomfortable

-So you then went to a baseball game

-Ryoma got a signature from Leon

-And you got to see Sayaka perform

-In the end there was a murder

-Turns out Leon killed Sayaka because she stole his spotlight

-So Kyoko had to come and it ruined the game

-Ryoma was again uncomfortable and you just hugged him

-It was the best hig he ever had in his life

-So he somehow fell asleep in your arms

-You just carried him to your house and tucked him in

-He looked like a child and people mistaked him as one

-When you told him this he didn't mind

-Best date ever

-You went to museum

-There he taught you many facts about history

-The Mongols drank horse's blood so they didn't need food

-The Mayans made 60 cities in total

-And Native Americans died from diseases in Europe, which is why Africans were used as slaves

-And more facts

-After you went to get icecream

-In it he told facts about icecream

-So you left from awkwardness


-Anywhere with stars you went

-You also stayed until midnight

-In it you chatted stories of your grandparents

-He metioned they were the reason he wanted to be a astronaut

-While yours encouraged you to make more friends and be social

-Star boi go brrr

-He offered to walk you home

-He wanted to go to his secret base

-So instead be said a back ally

-You were hesitant to go but we t anyway

-Then Kokichi had to knock you out and take you to the base

-At the base was party lights and beer

-You both stayed the whole day because of how fun it was

-While [friend] and Shuichi were looking everywhere for you

-So Kokichi blindfolded you for the way home

-He dicided to chill at a park after

-Of course he apologized but not on purpose

-When Shuichi found you he called [Friend]

-They scolded Kokichi for kidnapping so you had to leave early

-Shuichi let him go with a fine, to himself

-Then Shuichi used it for his date

-You pick him up because he was late

-But he went to pick you up

-So you met on the way to each others house's

-Then you went to a cafe

-It was pretty cute, with a gold-grey and [color] theme

-You teased Shuichi because the theme was your eye colors

-Flustered go brrrrr

-You stole his cap as well but gave him a purple beanie

-It reminded him of Kokichi and then he got a call from [Friend]

-He had to go find someone named Aylano

-You waited for 3 hours until he came back with $150

-He offered to go to the amusement park and refused to answer where he got the money

-Kokichi came and bothered you too

-Both of you avoided the big rides

-But you encouraged him to try a smaller coaster

-Kokichi stopped the ride and help had to come

-Kokichi and Aylano ruined the park part of your date

-He wanted to go home after so his bad mood didn't ruin anything

-So you split with coffee

-He was bored and strolling through town

-Then he saw you were out and about

-So he followed for an hour until someone told you

-Then you dragged him into shopping

-You had him model outfits for you

-As a gentleman he carried the bags

-You got Gonta to rig a butterfly date for Kiibo

-So you stopped at a spot in the park

-Then waited and had a picnic while Kibo told you about life facts

-Butterflys came from everywhere and starting just playing

-To look smart you stated facts about them

-Gonta had to come get the butterflys because they stayed too long

-Thats when Kiibo knew he was played into a date

-You confessed your feelings for him and he broke

-He was sent to Miu

-You never knew he liked you too

-But he was so excited about after his reboot

-He ranted to Miu about the date

-Miu though you fucked him though, because of how excited he was

-He accidentally blow up a corner of her lab while ranting

-Then he ran to confess to you

-10/10 wholesome moment

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