Muruko Ibusaba:WIP

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First date-
-It was at the park

-She showed you how to shoot a bebe gun there

-You were both kicked out because you shot a deer

-The she showed you knife tricks

-You tried to copy them and cut yourself

-She gave you rainbow bandages as well

-Then you baked cookies

-More like you stealing the ingredients and making Muruko mad

-It got to the point where she tackled you

-She almost choked you

-After she left and you had cookies

Why she likes you-
She likes how childish you are, but you do have your mature moments with her

View on PDA-
Awkward about it, but is trying to get used to it

Mastermind AU-
-It turns out she is Celestes sister

-So she kills her for the role

-But in the trial she is found out

-So she reveals the whole outside shit

-But gets a execution because she was the blackened

-The students escape

She curls up in her sleep so she likes to have a arm over you but no cuddles

If she is the culprit-
-She killed Makoto

-If I'm right Junko wanted her to kill him

-So she did the deed

-Makoto was your best friend

-So Muruko framed Junko as the murderer

-Junko got "caught" and arrested

-Muruko caused Junko the despear she wanted

-She was also ducking done with her shit

How she plays among us-

-Just tries her best to help

-Good at most tasks

-Gets framed alot


-Tries her best as well

-More of a helper then imposter

-Will take the blame for kills

Overall- 7/10



Their quirk-
She has claws and sharp teeth made for killing. She may gain a bloodlust on her period or when she's hungry

Hero name: Mini-Vampire

Their dere-
Dan and Shun, but then some Tsun, Yan and U. Very heavy mix but if ya want add Dere

American Name-Daisy

Genderbend Name-Muroki Ikusubo

Moving in with them-
-She is already clean and empty-spaced

-Moving in is easy

-You do have to share a bed

-You both like puzzles and magic tricks

-She has a Nexflix account she never uses

-You encourage her to shop more

-Muruko tried streaming, didn't like it

-She streamed minecraft and still plays it

-Is willing to try watching the office

-And a secret anime fan, just never watchs animes

-Has a wattpad account, like for real

-No dogs, cats are allowed

-Both of you can't cook, so raman almost every night

-You also get fast food

-Muruko loves disney movies

-She loves cookies, and can bake

-Make-up is uses to ass freckles, you learned this by watching her add more

Future children-

Tukuyudu: 3 years old, male
He is very sweet and loves to support everyone, is very wholesome and trys to befriend everyone, would have dark chocolate brown hair and green eyes

Knifeplay and pet names, blushing?

Where they kiss you-
Your hand

Her cheeks

If you flinched-
She would ask what made you flinch and stop it from happening in the future and be more protective from then

If you were a little-
She would be confused and wait, calling it confusing but soon realize she needs help to care for you, does her best keeping you alive as a little

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