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[Requested by YoshiisaurusKokichi

[Has mentions of assassination and Maki's backstory, as well as platonic feelings for each other

[Maki's POV]

I sat down on the couch and took a breath and looked out a window that was nearby to see the snow. I got up and grabbed [Y/N]'s hoodie for warmth. I wasn't prepared for the cold of Canada. My phone kept going off so I checked it. I saw my agency calling me and knew they would wait, I put it on silent and left it on it's charger.

I saw [Y/N] coming in and made sure to let the hood bag as not to reveal it was hers right away. She came in with some bags full of clothing and set them down.

"Sorry, I was getting some warmer clothes for us"

"Ok, I've noticed it's cold out"

"Yea, I also froze until I got to the store"

"Good to know your back warm"

"I wouldn't say warm, can you turn up the  heater"
I went over to turn on the heater from her words and took some of the bags she had placed down. I was headed to the room when [Y/N] grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

"I just need a while ok? We can do that later"

[Y/N's POV]

I pulled Maki to me bit by bit and took the bags from her to put on the side. Once I dragged her to the couch I layed down and got under the blankets. I just wanted some snuggles after the cold of Canada.

I turned on the T.V. to some news channel and Maki's phone rang beneath me.

"Maki is someone calling you?"

"Let me take it! I mean, I can take it"
I lent it over to her and she left the room and I heard small bits of conversation.

"I can't... ...what... ...ok boss"
She came in with a dull face and I felt something wrong. I sat up and gave the blankets to Maki's general direction. She just looked at me and sat down, looking serious.

"[Y/N], I have to go for a few days"


"Business, I'm sorry"

"Oh, don't you work for the- oh that place"

"Yea, I just don't want to ruin this vacation"

"Is it far or?"

"We're gonna have to leave Canada sadly, its on this street, my victim is talking a two-day trip and I have to follow them. Sorry for the lost trip"
She looked down and I just gave her my hand, glad she was honest about it.

"We can come next year"

She got up and left to our room leaving me to shulk. The T.V. flashed pass and the show that was on ended, leaving me to sit in a small despair.

[End-I feel this went a bit off the wanted plot. I am sorry if that is so.

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