Mastermind AU:DrV3 girls

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-It was when she was supposed to stay in character

-Ryoma fell in a trap set by Kirumi

-And instead of being sad she was more joyful Kirumi was gone

-And Kokichi noticed and told everyone

-Shuichi was the one to make them set a investigation

-And it proved Keade was the mastermind

-You started crying and Tenko comforted you

-Keade explained everything while cringing at the crying from you and Kokichi

-Then she started crying from it

-Everyone got to leave while she was crying

Kirumi-[Slight chp 6 spoilers]
-Shuichi ordered to investigate for who the mastermind was

-When they found Motherkuma he gathered everyone to say "Birth Monokumas"

-Kirumi knew she couldn't say something else

-So she exposed herself

-Katio ran away and everyone followed that didn't have common sense

-The only people who stayed was Shuichi and You

-You all discussed about it and came to a treaty

-Then she let everyone that wanted to go

-You all waved goodbye and left

-She started the next killing game dispite your treaty

-It was in a heated agrument about Keades death

-She was hit in the head by a dumbell

-Tsumugi mentioned a computer with intense coding on it

-Then Angie referenced Chihiro forgetting he wasn't in the game

-Everyone went in a panic and questioned her

-Then she said it was Atuas other name

-But Shuichi lied about seeing Chihiro at the mastermind desk

-So that made Angie a helper

-She revealed the outsode world as the helper of Chihrio Fujisaki

-She pretended to be the ultimate maid

-But Kirumi said she was born a maid

-So everyine was confused on what her real talent was

-When you mentioned she had a secret door which lead to the mastermind room

-Angie was questioned again until the pressure got to her

-She had Monokuma kill anyone questioning her

-Then ranted about the whole plan to trap them in New hopes peak

-The only ones alive was you, Kirumi and Kokichi

-Kokichi suggested leaving

-But Angie locked the doors and killed him off

-From then on she lived like a queen

-The game was aired and talked about years after the collapse of Hope's peak

-Kirumi secretary placed a bomb so she wouldn't live in hell anymore

-Kirumi was considered a hero for it

-You and Angie died with her

-Her anger made her confess

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