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[Requested by Myself again

[Despair AU

[This oneshot will involve me but I won't make it a big part, I chose a fox picture for me as my name is Fox and I like foxes, sorry of that seems weird

[Y/N's POV]

I was walking thinking about Fox and Hajime again. Hajime was so strong yet Fox was very sly.

I bumped into Fox and he looked at me like I meant it.

"Oh, S-Sorry Fox, I didn't mean to bump into you"

"It's ok, your fine"

I released a breath I was holding and felt more relieved. I started thinking about when we hung out at the peir. Then Hajime came and yelled out both of our names.

"Hey, you two heading to the peir again?"

"I was heading to the store to pick up some food for Chiaki, she's been sick lately"

"Oh, I was just going to nap for a bit"
I felt bad for Chiaki being sick and knew he wouldn't come with me and Hajime to the peir.

"Well I hope Chiaki gets better"

"She will, you guys can hang out"

"Ok, lets go [Y/N]"
Fox just walked away with a small glare and I shook my head to focus on catching up to Hajime.

"Wait up Hajime"

"Oh sorry [Y/N]"

"It's ok"
We walked over to the peir and I watched as the dolphins jumped around it as they always did. I took a selfie of me right as a dolphin jumped behind me and Hajime attempted to pet it. I just laughed then checked the time and saw the sunset was going to happen soon.

"Hey hey! The sunset is soon!"

"Oh nice"


[Right, It flopped in my head oof

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