Future kids:Dr1

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[The looks are just for reference or a base, and you can add to the kids, plus none will have altered genders except for birth gender, they may be adopted or biological


Ivuni: 12 years old, female
Very smart and perfers to play tennis, can be cocky at times and is most likey a green-eyed red-head

Asokuji: 5 years old, male
Wants to be like his dad at all cost, but is very gentle and shy, is probs a red-head too


Watashiru: 6 years old, male
Is very angry alot but wants justice for everyone, often takes charge of things, is most likey brown-haired and blue-eyed


Oshuka: 3 years old, female
Just quiet and can do alot behind the scenes, has really good reading skills, is probs alike like her dad in looks

Masurai: 15 years old, male
Closer to you then his dad and trys to copy you, but has trust issues and social anxiety, is more like you in looks with pink/red-ish eyes


Takori: 7 years old, female
Just trys to cause despair to people and then switch to hope, is very tricky and malicious with her words, is dark-haired and her eyes can be anything


Samatos: 11 years old, male
A good leader and very passionate about his interests, including you but dislikes his dad and fights with him alot, is most likey dirty-blonde and brown-eyed

Fukinku: 3 years old, female
Confused and dumb, but loves to learn about space and explore, very independent and wants to cook by her own, hates water, is just like her dad in looks

Unasimo: 19 years old, male
Cocky and just like his dad, but more tsundere, looks similar to you but pretty blended


Yamado: 13 years old, male
He is very cheerful and is often second on command, but very goofy and unserious most of the time, also has ADHD, he has his dads hair and your eyes and freckles[if you do]

Nimako: 10 years old, female
Very reckless but hates messes and disorderly things, grown a habit of having a rose in her room, has green eyes and red hair


Tamokoi: 14 years old, male
He is just cocky but good at his talents, which are singing and dancing, plans to be a superstar someday, has dark blue hair and red eyes


Rukoji: 9 years old, female
She is reserved and copys her mum alot, but acts american time to time, and is dumb enough to match it, good at lying and manipulating others, has light brown hair and hazel eyes

Akomu: 4 years old, female
Just like her sister, but a bit more smart in math and more caring to family, uses mama instead of mum, but has orange eyes


Gaikano: 15 years old, female
She is like her mom but has puppy-like aspects, is very small but best at running, she has grey-ish hair and green eyes


Aliso: 3 years old, male
He is like his mom but very loud, and often hates boys for some reason, is very rebellious and creative, is also into warfare and the World Wars, he is blonde haired and red-eyed

Hikoto: 10 years old, female
She is very cold and stubborn but opens up to her family, and loves to watch her brother for some reason, she used to hate boys but changed after seeing one be nice to her, she has light-purple hair and pink eyes


Jaroku: 14 years old, male
He is into swimming and copys you alot, but hates cooking and baking, perfers water due to his mom, he would have blue eyes and brown hair

Riji: 2 years old, female
Idk but she loves boats, and often trys to hit her brother, also loves trying to swim like her ma, is very old-fashioned, has red hair and green eyes


Biyoko: 13 years old, male
He hot bullied like his mom in school and turned into a aggressive person, but trys to calm down around you and his mum, he loves learning French and Spanish and wishes to travel the world with his parents, has blue hair and olive eyes

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