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[Requested by YoshiisaurusKokichi

Sorry it's short but covers what was requested

[Y/N's POV]

I was chilling on the beach with Nagito and Hajime when Mikan and Teruteru came up to us.

"Need anything?"

"O-Oh, uhm Teruteru can't c-cook without help and I-I messed up"

"Mikan you didn't mess up, just made it a bit steamy, hehe"

"Hey hands off"
I pushed Teruteru away and got inbetween the two. Nagito hopped up.

"I wish I could cook, maybe my luck would help"

"I was looking for a more, hmm, mother-like person..."

"Oh, well what would I expect, I'm just trash anyway"

"Nagito, no your not trash, sorry me and Nagito have to go"
Hajime dragged Nagito away leaving me.

"So will you cook?"


"Why not! I-I really think it would be better with you"

"Cook alone"

"U-Uhm, I'll do whatever I need to cook with you!"
Teruteru than starting just shuddering like a simp and it got annoying fast.

"Fine! But keep your mouth shut got it tiny!"

I headed to the kitchen and made sure to not leave him behind. Then he grabbed a stool and pointed at a cabinet.

"What, it's wood"
He just kept pointing until I opened it. I got anything he pointed at until he just nodded.

"Ok, well cook and I can help"
He just stared for a bit and then started the oven and did some magic with the ingredients. Once a while he had me mix and pour for him. I soon saw some sort of batter. Maybe coming wasn't so bad.

"So we bake?"
A nod. Teruteru put the batter in and then tried to hug me. Key word being tried. I just side-stepped and walked to the tables to lounge.

"Well well, we aren't cooking so may I speak?"

"You make me sound like a dictater"

"Funny joke"
I glared before ignoring him again.

"So the maiden stays silent, maybe I can pay her rent?"

"Nice pun"

"Ah, so my flirting isn't whats charming, maybe my looks are~"

"This is why I wanted your mouth shut"

"I want to rhyme, so lets hit the dimes"


"Oh, sorry then"
I crossed my arms then the sentence finally got into my head. Did he apologize.

"Fineee, what do you wanna say"

"Well I really have a confession"


"If you let me finish-"

"Just say it"

"Ok then, this confession that is really important is-"


"It's that I couldn't cook until I was 13"

"That's all?"

Teruteru oddly walked back into the kitchen, and I heard the chanks of pots and pans. What did he really have to say, not like I care much.

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