Trans pride Oneshot:DrV3

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[To celebrate pride month I decided to write a oneshot based off of my friend, Parker, who is a TransMale, and I may do more for any other sexualitys or genders

[C/N] is chosen name

Uses male pronouns

[Third Person POV]

[C/N] woke up and put his binder on, preparing to get pranked by Kokichi. Then he realized he hasn't come out of the closet to his closest friends, Kaito, Maki, and Kokichi. He made a plan to do so today. He went to Kokichi's dorm first, thinking he would be the worst one to deal with. When [C/N] knocked Kokichi came out in a rainbow suit.

"Heyyy! It's june!"

"H-hey Koki, it's june?"

"Reallyyy! Like for bisexuals and..."

"Its pride month, I know I know"

Kokichi then ran off and giggled as if he knew a secret. So [C/N] went to Maki's room, prepared for nothing.


"It's [C/N], are you open?"

"Yea, wait a minute"
I heard some movement and saw Maki open the door a bit after.

"What do you need [C/N]?"

"I wanted to come out to you"

"Oh, are you gay or something"

"No, I'm trans"

"So a girl? Sorry"

"N-No, like a trans male"

"Oh, well you always looked masculine"


"Your welcome"
She wore a smile, which was rare and hugged me, while handing me a card. Then the door shut in my face.

Open soon

I opened the card and inside it read a simple message.

I am a demigirl, congrats for getting my confession

I was confused at first then I realized Maki was coming out, I felt like I was hugged again. I skipped to breakfast instead of confessing to Kaito, my anxiety was too high right now.

At the dinner hall it was a mess. Kokichi and Ryoma were waving flags around, while Gonta was confused on what pride month and sexualitys were. Angie was yelling at all the flags and to stay out of the closet. Shuichi and Keade were just eating, with Rantaro joining them. Kirumi and Himeko weren't seen at all. Then everyone else was eating in the corners to avoid this mess. I was glad Maki wasn't here yet.

"Atua saids to be proud of yourself!"

"Gonta must ask, what is gay?"

"It's liking the same gender"

"Ok, Gonta thanks Angie"

"Hey Angie and Gonta"

"Hello [C/N], are you in the closet?"

"Um, to a extend yes-"

"Confess then!"

"Ok... in private please?"

"Oh, to those your comfortable with I guess, but it's not wrong to like fellow guys"
I just walked away from Angie and grabbed a trans flag throw at me. I looked in Kokichi's direction to see him throwing them at everyone, but winking at me. I put it in my [bag] and  saved it for my room. I grabbed breakfast and left to my room for quiet and peace.

Happy pride month- Mason

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