Abro pride Oneshot:Yan Rantaro

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[Yandere Rantaro half requested by

[Abrosexual is when someone's sexuality changes, like demi to allo to aro

[Fused two ideas, because I can

[Warning, implications of stalking

[Rantaro's POV]

I watched the news while packing my lunch and then headed to school, waiting on [Y/N] to come to school. It seemed they didn't appear and I heard the bullys near the gates. There all the bullys were around [Y/N], asking to go on a date. They seemed to reject the offer.

"Well why not? You like guys right?"

"Not today-"

"Hey leave them alone"
The bullies looked around and just laughed at me. Soon they walked away teasing about us dating. I always hated them for their antics.

"Thanks Rantaro"

"Your welcome l-[Y/N]"
I would deal with them later. [Y/N] made a joke and tried to seem fine, but I saw through their mask. These bullys would learn their lesson later.

[Bully POV]

Me and my gang walked away, laughing at the fact that b*tch had a boyfriend. To be honest I knew he was behind some of the murders here. Keade was flirting and Rantaro definitely was behind her death. I just bullied [Y/N] to anger him for what he did to me.

[Y/N's POV]

I was glad Rantaro saved me. I wasn't feeling like I liked anyone today. I never wanted to date anyway due to my change in attraction. I just went to my history class and tried to focus but my mind just wanted to doodle. I figured I would doodle some dinosaurs because we were drawing them in art class. I colored them blue and green, because I can.

[After class]

It was now break time and I threw out my dinosaurs. I grabbed my bento and ate a bit of my goldfish. I saw some couples walk by and felt jealous they got to date. Rantaro came up to me right after and seemed to glare at the couples. Then he looked at me.

"Hey it's ok, they don't have a roght to laugh at you"

"They never did?"

"Uh, making you jealous is mocking"
I was confused but excepted his comfort.


"Yea, I'll always be here if needed, like you with your drawing abilities"

"My what?"

"Oh those dinosaurs were cute"
I got creepy vibes from him and I looked in his pocket to see the dino doodles. I swore I threw them out.

"Your drawing, it's really good"

"When have a drawn for you?"

"Oh we share history class together, hehe"
I remember seeing him near the history door, I chose to believe him but he still gave creepy vibes. We chat for a while. Then it was art class and I practiced dinosaurs for Rantaro. I wanted to make him a gift for being my friend.

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