Views on PDA:DrV3 boys

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He is just moldable man, but does have limits on long to do PDA or cuddle

No, not until he trusts you, but then he likes hugging or "holding" you

Do anything and he rants about it in history or other cultures, so be weary

Gentleman quotes- "It no gentlemanly to no hold hand on date" Let him be a gentleman

Space guy go brrrr, he doesn't admit but he gets flustered fast and acts tough, even got makeup to cover his blush

It depends on his mood, and it ranges every minute, if he wants a hug he won't talk to anyone, a kiss equals forced cuddles and etc

He's like Katio but doesn't use makeup, and he loves eye contact while doing it for some reason

Anything you like that makes him happy, but his dislikes kissing because he can't feel it, but does it anyway for you

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