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[Requested by YoshiisaurusKokichi

[Is Female Reader so it uses She/Her pronouns

[Y/N's POV]
I was walking around school and bumped into someone. I did my best to go around but the person spoke.

"Oh, sorry [Y/N]. I was looking for you"


He slipped his hand into mine and I gripped it back. He started leading me somewhere.

"What day is it?"

"I think Friday"



"Oh I was going to get contacts today!"


I swayed our hands and followed Nagito to where ever he was going. I felt flower petals under my feet and tripped on a crack.

"Oh are you ok?"

"Yea, didn't see a crack is all"
I got up and pulled my cane out again, heading to where I last remembered classes at. When I got there I heard the bell for class to be over. Did I skip class? I heard runnjng and remembered Nagito was also with me.

"Wanna skip class?"

"Didn't I already?"

"No, you walked across the whole school, it must be my bad luck"

"Oh, well lets walk to class"

"The campus is miles long... you think we'll make it on time?"

"Hmm, well probably not"

"Sorry, its friday"

"Yea- oh does the 13th effect your luck?"
I missed the fact Nagito could be having bad luck today and it might be effecting me, I never minded the tripping because he was always there.

"Yea, even with that lottery run"

"Well lets go somewhere like the park, what bad could happen?"
Oh boy was I in for that. On the way Nagito tripped on my cane and it fell into a puddle, chipping the paint. Then I stepped on a puppys tail and got yelled at for doing so.

At the park the gates were closed yet kids were inside, so it was open before. A guard told us they just closed and lets the kids in.

"We could use coffee, caffine usually helps"

"Sorry again, maybe we shouldn't hang out today"

"Why not Nagito"

"I just make some days worst, I'm sure canes are expensive as well"

"No, their cheap for me"

"Well you are getting glasses, I wouldn't want to break them-"

"You won't, plus I want to see you"

"Ok I guess"
We headed to the glasses shop and I waited for my name to be called and grabbed the new glasses. I couldn't wait for months again. I turned around and saw the lights, but everything was still very blurry. As least I saw colors again.


"Over here"
I looked and saw a blob of dark orange-ish and a cream color.

"You look nice"


"Lets get coffee, ok?"

"Ok, are you sure you don't want to keep the glasses safe?"

"Yup, I'll be fine Gito"
I held his hand again and let him guide me to a cafe. I got my normal [flavor] coffee and sat down. I looked around and felt over whelmed by the colors. How could people see less blurry than this. My glasses got foggy from my coffee and they snapped. Feeling them fall off my face I was slightly relieved. I could get them fixed later anyway.

"Oh your glasses!"

"It's fine, I can glue them together"

"No, they fell in your coffee!"

"Oh, ok then"
I took a sip and set my cup down just to be safe, and just went off in a imaginary world. I heard Nagito get up and leave, but not before placing something in my hands. I felt it to feel braille.

I love you, N A G I T O

I blushed feeling the words and called a friend to help me get to my dorm. I then relooked at Nagito's panic, he must have felt bad about this day.

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